<p>I'm an civil engineering major and I got an invitation for an interview to be an intern at my local power plant. I don't have any engineering-related experience so this would be my first time interning. All I have is a research assistant position which I just started a few weeks ago. Does that count? I was wondering what type of questions will the recruiter asked me? How should I respond? It's a phone interview.</p>
<p>All they’ll ask you is behavioral questions</p>
<p>^^^ Huh?</p>
<p>A Research Assistant position that you just got… counts, absolutely. It is experience (however short time it might be so far). It is an indication that you were selected from a pool of candidates for the job.</p>
<p>All work experience that you have counts, btw, even if it was burger-flipping. Later in your career you will drop off such unrelated and/or summer jobs… but potential employers value this type of experience not because of the content but because it shows that you were/are motivated, have general work skills, etc.</p>
<p>Others may be able to help you with more engineering-specific questions you may be asked.</p>
<p>I would advise you to be prepared for questions along the lines of:</p>
<p>What kinds of courses you are taking; what your favorite courses are.
Why did you decide to go into civil engineering?
What made you interested in applying for this position?
What are your future career plans? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? (I hate these type of questions, but you should be ready for them)</p>
<p>You should research the company, know what “hot” issues there are for that company these days (if any). You should have 1-3 questions ready about the company/position when you are asked “Do you have any questions for us?”</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>Don’t stress too much over the interview. As long as you are not totally socially inept and are thus able to carry on somewhat of a conversation and know something about yourself and CE you should be just fine. Put some effort into answering the questions. For example, if you are asked if you programming experience it would be a bad idea to simply say “Yes.” Instead, a better answer would be something like “Yes, I learned X++ in my ABC101 course. We had to use our X++ knowledge to create a robot that incinerated ponies with twin laser cannons.” If the interviewer is then interested in your pony killing machine you can fill him in on the details.</p>
<p>You can probably search Google for common interview questions for college student. When I was applying for a full time job, over 90% of the interviewers seemed to read from the same script. I answered a small set of questions on nearly every interview I went to. It may be similar with your internship interview.</p>
<p>LOL, great answer substantively and the humor makes it memorable. Thanks.</p>
<p>mmm pony killing machine.</p>
<p>If you want it to really “pop,” make the pony killing machine autonomous.</p>
<p>Pony incineration made me hungry.</p>
<p>Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about my ideals.</p>
<p>Tks again and pls keep posting.</p>
<p>If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit: <a href=“typicalinterviewquestions.info”>typicalinterviewquestions.info;
<p>Best regards.</p>
<p>on a side note, if you tell a company that you know a software (such as a process simulation software) do they expect you to come into the company being a pro at it? This is for an internship by the way.</p>