Engineering major- schedule question- chemistry

<p>My son is an aerospace engineering major and is starting to work on his schedule for Bama Bound. He is thinking about taking Calc II and physics along with the engineering required classes. What I was wondering has anyone put off general chemistry until spring or even fall of the second year? He is trying out for the band so that is another class plus a major time commitment. He does not have to take the english comp classes due to AP credit/dual enrollment. He probably doesn’t even have to take Calc II as he just finished AP BC Calc and seemed to do great. But his high school teacher suggested to repeat Calc II after she took a look at Alabama’s syllabus. He can probably take an honor’s seminar to round the whole thing out.</p>

<p>I guess I am asking in a long winded way (sorry) is can you put off chemistry for awhile as an engineering major? Gosh, this scheduling stuff is more worrisome than the room selection. My son has loads of AP credit so just trying to make the best use of his time.</p>

<p>Thanks again for everyone’s help on this board. Looking forward to Bama Bound and school in the fall.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>hokie (all those plastic turkeys in Blacksburg?) fan,</p>

<p>It looks like there are NO courses that have a prerequisite for CH 101 in the Aerospace Engineering track. I would think that your son could take the CH 101 anytime he darn well pleased in the 4 years.</p>

<p>Here’s the link to the Aerospace Course chart:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hope this helps.</p>


<p>Yes, that is me. We are from Virginia and my family likes VT football. My whole neighbor thinks my son is nuts becasue he turned down VT for Bama. Anyway, thanks for the information. I have looked at the flow chart and as you mentioned, chemistry seems to be an outlier class. That is why I was thinking he could push it back. I guess I wanted to see if there were any other engineers that had done the same and what if any were the consequences later in the schedule.</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>Son and his best friend are taking chemistry at a local university this summer. But they are mechanical engineering majors,and it is a prerequisite for a sophomore year spring semester class.</p>

<p>He is trying out for the band so that is another class plus a major time commitment. He does not have to take the english comp classes due to AP credit/dual enrollment. He probably doesn’t even have to take Calc II as he just finished AP BC Calc and seemed to do great. But his high school teacher suggested to repeat Calc II after she took a look at Alabama’s syllabus.</p>

<p>Band will be a big time committment especially for “away games.” If he can delay Chem I until spring or the following fall, then he’d be better off.</p>

<p>These are the courses for the first 4 semesters. If he can cross off some from AP credits and none of the classes from the early semesters require Chem I as a pre-req, then he can take it later.</p>

First Semester Hours </p>

<p>AEM 121/131 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 2
CH 101 General Chemistry I (N) 4
EN 101 English Composition I (FC) 3 …AP Credit
ENGR 111 Engineering the Future 1
ENGR 131 Engineering Concepts and Design I 1
MATH 125 Calculus I (MA) 4 …AP Credit</p>


<p>15 </p>

<p>Second Semester<br>
EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics (SB) 3
EN 102 English Composition II (FC) 3 …AP Credit
ENGR 141 Engineering Concepts and Design II 1
ENGR 151 Fundamental Engineering Graphics 1
MATH 126 Calculus II (MA) 4 ** retaking in first semester**
PH 105 General Physics with Calculus I (N) 4 </p>


<p>16 </p>


<p>First Semester<br>
AEM 201 Statics 3
AEM 249 Algorithm Development and Implementation 2
MATH 227 Calculus III (MA) 4
MATH 237 Applied Matrix Theory (MA) 3
PH 106 General Physics with Calculus II (N) 4 </p>


<p>16 </p>

<p>Second Semester<br>
AEM 250 Mechanics of Materials I 3
AEM 251 Mechanics of Materials Laboratory 1
AEM 264 Dynamics 3
AEM 311 Fluid Mechanics 3
ECE 320 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 3
MATH 238 Applied Differential Equations I </p>

<p>Of course your son could opt to take Cal II second semester and take Chem I the first semester. However, since he will be strong in Cal II, he probably should take that in the fall to lighten that “adjustment semester” and band req’t.</p>

<p>M2K and others,</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions. He did come up with the following</p>

<p>Chem101 Chem117 (H)
Calc II Econ110
AEM 121-131 AEM121-131
ENGR 131 (H) ENGR131(H)
ENGR 151 ENGR151
Band Band</p>

<p>14 credits 12 credits</p>

<p>I guess its hard to judge how much time those 1 credit engineering courses will take. It seems too light to me but I don’t know. He has AP credit in Stat, US and World History, Government, English Comp. He will most likely have it for BC Calc and Physics B. Than there is the dual enrollment of English (don’t ask) and EMT-B.</p>

<p>I really think the band is going to cause some trouble as it already dictates the schedule. Band practice every day from 4-5:30. Yikes.</p>

<p>Comments and suggestions welcomed especially for the workload of those intro engineering courses.</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions. He did come up with the following</p>

<p>Chem101 Chem117 (H)
Calc II Econ110
AEM 121-131 AEM121-131
ENGR 131 (H) ENGR131(H)
ENGR 151 ENGR151
Band Band</p>

<p>14 credits 12 credits</p>

<p>Can you clarify? Is the above for the fall semester? Are those 2 possible lists for fall?</p>

<h2>Option 1…Option 2</h2>

<p>Chem101… Chem117 (H)
Calc II… Econ110
AEM 121-131 …AEM121-131
ENGR 111 … ENGR111
ENGR 131 (H)… ENGR131(H)
ENGR 151…ENGR151</p>

<h2>Band …Band</h2>

<p>14 credits… 12 credits</p>

<p>12 credits seems too light. However, I also know that taking a bunch of “1-2 credit classes” can be very demanding. They often require more class/lab time than their credits indicate. </p>

<p>I guess its hard to judge how much time those 1 credit engineering courses will take. It seems too light to me but I don’t know. He has AP credit in Stat, US and World History, Government, English Comp. He will most likely have it for BC Calc and Physics B. Than there is the dual enrollment of English (don’t ask) and EMT-B.</p>

<p>What is EMT-B?</p>

<p>I really think the band is going to cause some trouble as it already dictates the schedule. Band practice every day from 4-5:30. Yikes.</p>

<p>Band is very demanding. He’ll have to carefully select labs that don’t meet during that time. And how is travel done for away games? How much classtime is missed on Fridays? Any???</p>

<p>I was not a AEM major but I think I can say with fair degree of confidence that it is not essential to take CH 101 early on. The fact that CH 101 is a not a prerequisite to any other course implies that there is no exception of knowing the material from CH before taking any other course. In other words, they will teach you the chemistry you need to know. Honestly, looking at the curriculum, I cannot see any course where the material from CH 101 that isn’t already taught in another engineering fundamental courses - like thermodynamics or mechanics of materials - is needed.</p>



<p>EMT (Emergency Medical Technician, aka paramedic) Basic, I would guess.</p>

<p>Hi All</p>

<p>EMT-B is Emergency Medical Technician -Basic level. His school offers the course through the dual enrollement program and it is something my son had interest in. He just passed the Virginia certification test so he work as an EMT. He is hoping to do some work and/or volunteering when he comes to Bama. </p>

<p>M2K, the two scenerios I presented were an either or situation for the fall. We really don’t have too much info on band except what is on the website. He will be trying out when he comes for Bama Bound June 1. So he can ask all the questions about travel, away games etc. I think he will hear within two weeks of trying out if he is invited to band camp. After band camp, they make their final cut. So yes, the process is long and drawn out and probably is stressful. But my son loves music and marching band so he is willing to work hard and give it a try. That is why I am trying to help him have a schedule that will not be too heavy but at the same time not waste time.</p>

<p>I realize chemisty is not needed for any other class. Maybe he should drop that off the schedule and try to fit in physics. Or forget the sciences for the fall semester and deal with the engineering courses and some electives. Once again having band from 4-5:30 everyday really puts a pinch in the schedule. It is hard to fit in the sciences with the labs.</p>

<p>Thanks again. Anymore comments are welcome especially on those engineering 1 credit classes.</p>

<p>How is your son about adjusting to new things?</p>

<p>I was VERY concerned about how my older son would adjust to college…being away from home, not having parents prod/remind him of things, needing to improve organization skills, etc. </p>

<p>He only took 14 credits his first semester…CBH, Spanish 103, the old frosh honors engineering class, and Honors Physics with Calc. Because of CBH, we were really concerned about how he’d do…he had no prior programming experience and didn’t know if he’d be handicapped by that. </p>

<p>I think doing Band is a great thing! I just think that if your son has any problems with organization, etc, then avoid taking Chem I for his first semester. However, if he’s the type to work ahead and always be “on top of things” then fine! :)</p>

<p>Gen Chem I is one of the weeder courses for pre-med, so it can be a harshly graded class. So, even if your son isn’t pre-med, he’d still be affected by that.</p>

<p>Mech. Engin. son considers the 1-credit engineering classes as “light” courses. While there is some required reading and some projects, he did not find them to be difficult or time consuming at all. Many of them are intro. classes.</p>

<p>My son is really pretty organized and does stay on top of things. And I know he works ahead especially on projects and homework that may take along time. He has no programming experience and he has not has chem since 10th grade. I do not anticipate any major problems with him adjusting to new things. He has been away quite a few times with kids he didn’t know and situations that we less that ideal. He figured it out. I think being a scout for lots of years really helped.</p>

<p>But… I have an older daughter who I thought would be fine in college and she surprised us with some of the things that unnerved her. So I am not crazy to think everything will be great.</p>

<p>My son’s strengths are really math and physics. Oh, and EMT:)</p>

<p>If he’s going to be in band, shouldn’t he lay off the time consuming courses like physics and calculus until spring? Band was a major time commitment from what I saw.</p>

<p><em>shrug</em> I’m sure your son could handle it either way.</p>


<p>One of the reasons he thinks Calc may be very doable this semester is he is currently taking AP Calc BC and having no trouble whatsoever. He printed a copy of the sylabus for Calc II and took it to his teacher. After reviewing it she suggested he take Calc II because there are some things they did not cover and he is going into engineerig so he needs to really know this stuff. So basically, most the material will probably be a review (he hopes). He is really very good at math.</p>

<p>So he is trying to fill in Calc II, the AEM 121/131 required classs and those one credit engineering classes. He needs something else so that is what he is trying to figure out. Since he is now taking AP physics B he thought that physics may be a good choice also.</p>

<p>But that darn band take up so much time it is hard to schedule stuff especially with labs. They practice everyday from 4-5:30.</p>

<p>Maybe he should just leave the chem and physics until next semester and take the Econ. I’m sure it will get worked out. </p>

<p>Thanks for the imput.</p>

<p>I would not worry about econ. I took the regular section of both courses and it was piece of cake. I don’t know about the honors sections however. I would say the same about calc, especially since it will half review for him. I think it’s best for him to hold off on the lab sciences until spring. You may even want to consider chem as a course to take in the summer after freshman year back home.</p>

<p>Great thinking about taking the syllabus to his teacher!! I wish I had been that astute at that age!</p>

<p>Thanks again Feenotype for the help. My son is really pretty good at taking care of things. He is serious about his work but has a fun side also. He is pretty confident he can get into the band but you never know about that. I guess we will know around the second week of June. There maybe more tweeking of the schedule this summer. Stay tuned.</p>

<p>Re econ - I know my son took macro-econ AP in high school - anyways, he took Micro-econ online at UA fall semester (no worries about schedule) and had no problems. If your son is comfortable with the subject online is another option - gets his units with no stress over schedule. Good luck - those lab schedules can cause some headaches but it all works out.</p>


<p>Since online classes have been suggested as a way to figure my son’s schedule out, can someone talk alittle about them. My son has no expereince with online classes. It a proctor/teacher ever involved? Or is the whole thing self guided? It might be a good idea to use online as a fill in for some of these elective type classes. Thanks.</p>

<p>My son is going to be majoring in Chemical Engineering and is also going to be in the band. It sounds like a huge time committment, but, as a former band member myself at a different university, it can be a great stress reliever!</p>


<p>I know it will be a huge comittment, but my son really loves marching band. It is a stress reliever for him. He is now in the concert band season which he also likes very much. His last concert is tomorrow night. I’ll miss going to his things.</p>