Engineering Major with AP Credit - What Level Courses to Enroll In?

<p>There are already many math threads, so let’s leave math out of this discussion.</p>

<p>S is EE major, coming in with credit from AP Physics and AP Chem (among others).</p>

<p>Is it recommended he stay the planned course - CH 101 and PH 105 - or does he go up to the next level? </p>

<p>I understand Physics is not until the second semester, and he can probably get advice from his professors once he starts school, so might be better to focus the question on Chemistry.</p>

<p>If your son feels that he had a strong enough AP Chem class, then go ahead and skip. If he has a little concern, then just skip Gen Chem I and go to Gen Chem II.</p>

<p>Both of my kids skipped both Gen Chems, but they had an amazing AP Chem teacher and the class was taught over 2 periods.</p>

<p>As an EE major you only need the one Chemistry class so you can take the AP credit.</p>

<p>You can choose to take the Physics 105 in the fall and Physics 106 in the spring, my D did. But she did not have AP Physics in HS. Her friends that did have AP Physics took PH105 in the fall and PH106 in the spring and did very well in their classes.</p>

<p>Did your S take AP Physics B or C? There are different credits given for the different levels of AP.</p>

<p>If he does not need any further Chemistry for this major, then completely and thoroughly take the AP credit for Chem and be done w/ it! And, if he needs further Chem, YES, also take the AP Credit and move on. I have heard from others that the lab work done in Chemistry class eats up a phenomenal amount of time…and I am jealous that my son did not opt to take AP Chem in HS (but took other things more related to his major instead)…ironic that the 1 AP class that is of no interest to my son (and not needed in his major) IS the one required class that he will have to suck up and take at UA, whereas the AP classes he IS taking (and thoroughly enjoying and doing well in in HS) are the ones where he might need to repeat. Taking AP Chem would have opened up a HUGE time slot for him. Prospective parents take note! Get that AP Chem done in HS!!!</p>

<p>My S also has an amazing Chem teacher. At our HS, AP chem is a class and a half, with the students who choose to take it foregoing half of their lunch period. If it takes that much time, maybe he will choose to skip both Chems.</p>

<p>Cuttlefish, he’s in AP Physics C.</p>

<p>So the consensus is no Chem, PH105 in the fall and PH106 in the spring?</p>

<p>As an EE major you only need the one Chemistry class so you can take the AP credit.</p>

<p>Oh good…I didn’t know if they had to take Orgo. If the OP’s son only needs Gen Chem I, then he’s goooood toooooo goooo! yeah! I wouldn’t risk my GPA by taking an unneeded Gen Chem class - which is weeder for pre-meds and Eng’g majors.</p>

<p>As for when he takes Physics I…that is up to you. Either this year or next year. I wouldn’t have him take it this fall unless it’s just reveiw for him and/or his schedule is somewhat light and he can handle the whole load.</p>

<p>Sounds like your son is very dedicated to his studies.</p>

<p>I asked my D about her friend who took AP Physics C and got a 5. She said he wished he had skipped both of the physics. I know it’s one data point and not even my child.</p>

<p>Not sure I would skip both of those classes though. Maybe you son could email the engr dept and ask for further advice.</p>

<p>He did email the EE prof we met with on our tour. I’ll share his response when it arrives.</p>