Engineering or Economics???

Hello everyone, I’m a senior in high school with a though decision to make.
I have to decide between majoring in civil engineering at Iowa State University or economics at the University of Illinois. Both majors capture aspects of my interest, I just don’t know which one would do me better in the future.
Thank you

Is cost a factor? IF so what are the costs

Do you want to work in civil engineering? Or would your rather work in finance or business type of jobs?

Econ for sure. You’ll be putting in 40-60 hours a week on engineering and be wishing you had gone Econ, since that’s also an interest that appears equally attractive to you.

If you’re interested in a career in finance, you would be better off transferring to UI’s business school.

Cost is not really a factor although my parents would prefer to pay less. At Iowa State I received a 7k academic scholarship, so it would be cheaper than U of I. And if I were to major in engineering it would be civil. Thank you