engineering pc tablet?

<p>I'm pretty sure someone asked this during one of the orientations but I couldn't make it to one of them. My question is can't I just buy a regular laptop with good specs for about $900~$1000 and just get one of those usb graphic tablets? How much a hassle would it be to
carry both of them? Is the usb tablet that big?</p>

<p>This thread discusses and debates the use of USB tablets.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Basically, the university discourages it, but your instructors won’t care as you can still complete assignments with the USB tablet. It should be portable enough to bring to class if you buy the right tablet.</p>



<p>You can and you should. There’s no reason to get a Tablet PC unless you’re an artist or you really like writing notes and diagrams on the screen.</p>

<p>im doing the normal laptop and usb addon. Im getting a better laptop for a lot less.</p>