Engineering Physics 218: University Physics or Don't Panic

I’ve been reading CC for while now, but now is the time to post. I’m a freshman in the fall. Which physics should I try to get: someone who teaches using the University Physics textbook or the Don’t Panic one?

Also, do both University Physics and Don’t Panic both have common exams? I’ve heard Don’t Panic has common exams, but I don’t know about University Physics. Do professors write their own finals?

I would like to hear from a rising sophomore if possible, because this seems to have changed in the recent past.


Can’t advise you on which course is better, but my son took University Physics last fall with Dr. Webb. Yes, there were common exams, but each prof wrote his/her own final. Also, keep in mind that A+ Tutoring is a great resource for PHYS 218.

If you like working with numbers, do University Physics. If you’d rather work with strictly variables, do Don’t Panic.

Thanks for both responses.

Does anyone know if the Don’t Panic professors write their own finals also?

Is there an opinion on which method gives a better basis for mechanical engineering?

I have just been told that Don’t Panic is mostly math and University Physics deals with the physics concepts better so that University Physics will set me up better for future classes. Not a reliable source though. Can anyone else please share?

FWIW, my son just completed his sophomore year in aerospace engineering. He really liked the Don’t Panic series and thought that it did a better job of explaining the underlying concepts rather than just memorizing formulas. FWIW, the Don’t Panic series and texts were developed by a TAMU professor, Dr. Bassichis. It does rely more on calculus to derive formulas, so good calculus skills are helpful. My son also liked his teacher, Dr. Tatiania Erukhimova a lot. He did very well in his sophomore engineering aero classes, so he was definitely prepared.

I took university physics and I would probably take it again because I think working with the actual numbers helps when checking that you have a logical answer.

From a few years back my son used both and didn’t have a strong preference. Both A+ tutoring and Prof Tatiana are awesome!

My son did both. He really didn’t have a preference except for Tatiana. She is the best.

A+ seems to recommend University Physics more…

(Freshman D taking physics this upcoming year.)

University physics is better in my opinion. It provides more real life problems, and depending on the teacher, teaches the concepts very well. I had friends who did don’t panic, and it seems it was okay, but very math based.