engineering sat stats

<p>Does anyone have a link to sat range for students accepted (or attending) in the engineering school at tech? I know I saw one once but I can't find it again. Thanks.</p>

<p>It took me a while of searching, but I found it. Keep in mind the original poster says these are for the incoming class of 2010 (VT class of 2014), so the data is now two years old. As we all know these climb each year. At the bottom I have included a link to the Freshman Snapshot for the class of 2016.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Virginia Tech - Overall SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 591 640 590 540
SAT Math 626 680 630 580
SAT Writing 584 630 580 540
HS GPA 3.88 4.09 3.89 3.68 </p>

<p>CAUS SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen<br>
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 602 645 610 550
SAT Math 628 670 635 580
SAT Writing 596 640 600 550
HS GPA 4.00 4.21 4.00 3.78 </p>

<p>College of Engineering SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 606 660 610 560
SAT Math 674 710 670 630
SAT Writing 593 640 590 550
HS GPA 3.96 4.18 3.97 3.74 </p>

<p>College of Science SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen<br>
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 590 640 590 540
SAT Math 616 660 610 570
SAT Writing 587 640 580 540
HS GPA 3.92 4.10 3.92 3.74 </p>

<p>College of Liberal Arts & Human Science SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 600 640 600 550
SAT Math 584 620 580 540
SAT Writing 598 650 600 550
HS GPA 3.85 4.00 3.85 3.70 </p>

<p>Pamplin - College of Business SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen<br>
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 576 620 570 530
SAT Math 607 650 610 560
SAT Writing 576 620 580 530
HS GPA 3.82 4.02 3.84 3.61 </p>

<p>College of Natural Resources and Environment SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen<br>
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 584 640 560 530
SAT Math 584 640 580 540
SAT Writing 565 620 560 510
HS GPA 3.82 4.00 3.76 3.63 </p>

<p>College of Agriculture and Life Sciences SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen<br>
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 579 640 580 530
SAT Math 595 640 590 540
SAT Writing 579 620 580 530
HS GPA 3.81 4.09 3.90 3.60 </p>

<p>Inter-College: University Studies Majors SAT Scores and High School GPA of Fall 2010 First-time Freshmen<br>
SAT Scores/GPA Mean 75th 50th 25th Pctl<br>
SAT Reading 575 620 570 530
SAT Math 604 650 600 560
SAT Writing 569 620 570 520
HS GPA 3.76 4.00 3.80 3.56</p>

<p>Freshman Snapshot VT Class of 2016
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks, just what I was looking for. Do you know how much they consider the writing score? My son is stronger in math (720) and reading (630) than writing (580). He is taking the test again, so maybe something will go up!</p>

<p>Per VT admissions website "Virginia Tech accepts either the SAT Reasoning Test (including critical reading and math) or ACT test scores. Since Virginia Tech utilizes the writing portion of each test for placement purposes, students who opt to take only the ACT should take the ACT plus writing. All tests should be taken by the December test date of the senior year.</p>

<p>Our Score Choice is: Highest Section Scores Across Test Dates - Version 1 (Highest M, CR, W). Please note: Virginia Tech wants to see all of your test scores. We will use the highest scores and even combine your highest test scores from multiple test dates when evaluating your application."</p>

<p>If I’m reading their statement correctly the math + reading scores are the ones used to determine acceptance. If your writing score isn’t up to par they may put you in university studies instead of your preferred college. Someone else might have a definitive answer.</p>

<p>I think, although I’m not sure this is still true, that the writing part only determines what English class you’ll be in freshman year. I don’t think it has anything to do with admission to the university or your college.</p>

<p>That was back when the writing part was new though so I don’t know if that’s still the case.</p>