Engineering scholarships vs university scholarships

<p>Hi , just wanted to get some advice. If S is going to major in engineering and has the stats to receive the engineering full tuition + 2500 , is that guaranteed? In other words is it automatic or competitive? </p>

<p>Does anyone have recent experience with COE?
Thanks guys:)!</p>

<p>The scholarships are automatic as long as you complete the scholarship application by December 1 and meet the requirements.</p>

<p>Yes, they are guaranteed just like the university ones. Your son will need to stay in an engineering degree to keep the engineering scholarship. If he changes majors, he will still get the university scholarship at the level he qualifies for based on his admission stats.</p>

<p>My D got the 2/3 University level scholarship letter this weekend. She also qualifies for the Engineering scholarship that’s boosts it to full tuition, plus $2500. </p>

<p>Does anyone know if we’ll get an “early” letter for the eng. scholarship or if we don’t see that until the spring? It would be nice to have it in writing. Both to get the financial planner more solidified and for peace of mind.</p>

<p>Damond - Has your S applied yet? The scholarship app is pretty easy to fill out and they are completely stat based, no competition but I’d recommend getting it sooner rather than later.</p>

<p>if she is qualified and has met the deadlines, it is guaranteed. no worries.</p>

<p>I can’t remember when the engineering letter comes in. I believe it was signifiacntly later than the university scholarship letter, but I am not 100% sure about that.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly DS didn’t get his Engineering letter until the spring, so you still have a while to wait. But as was posted earlier it is automatic, so no worries. Plan away!!!</p>

<p>txdad13: Yes, S did apply about a week ago and qualifies for the university 2/3 tuition scholarship as well as the engineering scholarship which would bring it to full tuition + 2500. I am in the same boat as you, wishing I could see it in writing. But, I am confident as all have posted above, that we can basically assume the scholarship is already awarded.</p>

<p>Engineering seems to start sending letters in the winter. They seem to get sent in batches.</p>

<p>Just found this paperwork.</p>

<p>The initial letter confirming S’s Engineering scholarship was dated on November 30. </p>

<p>He also received further details regarding the scholarship the following March.</p>

<p>Short of flunking out, is there any way to lose a university scholarship?</p>

<p>I think you need to maintain 12 hours per semester and a 3.0 GPA. Should be on the paperwork that you will receive soon. Good to ask these questions.</p>