Engineering Spring 2024 Transfer

I applied for Spring 2024 transfer to Mechanical Engineering. I have 45 completed hours (including all required courses) with a 4.0 GPA. I just checked my AIS and my major was changed to Electrical Engineering (that was my second choice). I know it says at the bottom of AIS website that your major may change as normal part of review process, but can someone with experience explain what happens next. I’m quite surprised as my brother was admitted as a fall 23 transfer with same stats. thanks!

@FriscoDad is the Engineering guru, he’ll weigh in…

Your first choice is denied. Your second choice is being reviewed. You should hear soon and I’m assuming good news.

So, is spring more competitive because of less spots?

You’re competing against all the engineering students that have been here for a year plus and applying through ETaM process. It’s always competitive for engineering.

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If you check TAMU accountability data, 2022 cycle took in less than 5 MEEN transfer. The high fluctuation of enrollment data because of the guaranteed TEAB and Academies contract. Some years there were more qualified students meeting 3.75+ than other years.

Also as you already guessed, MEEN enrollment headcount easily full during the new cycle (Fall), so technically it makes Fall easier for transfer.

ELEN has the highest admission number at 39 in 2022 cycle. If you finish all required courses with 4.0 your chance of ELEN should be high.

If you grt admission offer for ELEN, try to talk with Admission to see if you can be considered MEEN before accepting the offer. Once accepted, it is impossible to transfer to another major within TAMU.


Well, I received rejection letter today. If I wanted to get further explanation, would I contact admissions or MEEN department? I’m hoping it was just that there were no slots available. Definitely re-applying for fall.

Yes you can contact engineering advisor and most likely they don’t have slot for Spring.