Engineering Students and Project Lead the Way Credit

<p>Does anyone have a student who came in to UA with transfer credit from Project Lead the Way? If so, were there any courses that the student chose not to take due to the prior learned knowledge? </p>

<p>My S was given credit for GEC197. Not sure if he just uses that for general elective credit or if he should look into not taking a general engineering class, which would likely be an easy credit but also less than challenging.</p>

<p>I would like to know as well since my son has son PLTW course credits, as well. I know at another school he is interested in, they give some general credit hours for some areas of engineering.</p>

<p>Hopefully SeaTide will chime in here. He knows how to find out what credits tranfer and for what credits.</p>

<p>I think it may be on MyBama, but I’m not sure.</p>

<p>Jealous you all had PLTW in your schools, trying to get that program here for more schools!</p>

<p>It really is a great program. This year (4th of 4 year program), my S’s class is working on a whole year project in which they will have a presentation at year end. They have outside mentors (engineers) that they meet with electronically for resources. Not only did PLTW guide my math/science kid into engineering but it’s taught him teamwork, project management and given him some engineering contacts. Of the 4 kids on his project team, all are going on to major in engineering and all received some major scholarships. We are very, very fortunate indeed to have had this program in our school.</p>

<p>Another PLTW parent here. Prior to the first course in 9th grade, we knew nothing about engineering. Four years later, S knows he loves it, is good at it, and wants to major in it. He has the experience to know he will enjoy it and succeed, unlike many who end up changing majors.</p>

<p>The PLTW credits are actual transcripted credits from the college affiliated with your program. They will be treated by UA (or whatever college you attend) just like any other transfer credit.</p>

<p>In our case, my S could choose to take an exam at the end of the year to receive college credit. For example, after sophomore year my S took the exam. Several months later we received a letter from RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) informing us that they would certify the course and give my S college credit if we paid RIT a “tuition” fee.<br>
RIT gave my S 4.0 credits for Principles of Engineering. UA recorded this as 2.64 credit hours of credit for GEC197.</p>

<p>Is this the same or different for others with PLTW credit?</p>

<p>S1 went to a PLTW school and took 5 classes. He took the end of the year tests and passed…we then had to send in $50 to the Milwaukee School of Engineering and they put them on a transcript. Unfortunately I think only 1 transferred to the university he went to. I really don’t care though, as taking these classes in high school showed my son that he wanted to continue learning engineering. Also, even if these classes did transfer, I’d rather he "retake’ them in college so he definitely understands all the concepts he needs to know. I am fortunate that S3 is in the same program now, no matter if college credit is earned or not.</p>

<p>I wonder which classes they will count for???</p>

<p>I’m wondering if they will count for some of the Frosh Eng’g Program classes. If so, that’s good in that you won’t have to take, but it could backfire a bit cuz I think some frosh bond during those classes (maybe not all, but a few of the “hands on” project ones.</p>

<p>maybe others with more experience with FEP could share views.</p>

<p>We’re also affiliated with RIT. Same high school perhaps? S took the tests, paid the fee, and has the credits on an RIT transcript.</p>

<p>Chardo, how did UA give you credit? And I don’t think you are the same HS, there’s only one girl that we know of from my S’s school attending UA and she is not in PLTW. </p>

<p>And the person who paid $50 got a bargain, ours was $200 or $300 (still cheaper than a college course and not complaining, just noting the difference).</p>

<p>UA has not given credit yet, since S has not enrolled. Still waiting for other acceptances before making his choice. I’m just saying he has credits from RIT on an RIT transcript. Those credits are transferrable to any school, subject to that school’s guidelines on transfer credits. Don’t know specifically how UA would handle.</p>

<p>I’m not aware of anyone else from S’s school that even applied to UA. This is a school from which most kids go to Ivies or similar (or Binghamton). Guidance counselor thinks he would be their first to attend UA, as far as she can recall.</p>

<p>Oops, I wasn’t clear when I said we paid $50 to get the PTLW courses transcripted…it was $50 for each class so it ended up costing us $250. Still cheap if they transfer. If not, I’ve spent money more foolishly in the past.</p>

<p>Your PLTW is very different from ours. We have one test at the end of each year and 4 years total. There is no test for credit this year (all project based learning). I don’t think there was a test freshman year (or my S chose not to take it). So we only had a test optional for 2 years. My S only took the one sophomore year. We paid RIT hundreds for that one test.</p>

<p>When S applied to UA, he listed transfer credit from RIT and RIT sent in a transcript directly. UA has already given my S credit for the transfer course (I can see it at the bottom of the page where he chooses/plans his courses).</p>

<p>What are colleges like RIT calling those classes/credits? Are they Intro to Engineering? or what?</p>

<p>RIT coded it as Principles of Engineering for 4 credit hours as a summer term course
UA coded it as GEC197 for 2.64 credit hours</p>

<p>Is RIT on the quarter system? If so, that explains the odd credits.</p>

<p>What is GEC 197? </p>

<p>Do you mean GES?</p>

<p>GEC 197 Principles of Engine A 2.64 Summer 2010
Satisfied by: 0617269 - Rochester Institute Of Technol</p>

<p>And as far as I know, RIT is not on the quarter system</p>

<p>RIT is on the quarter system. They are changing to semester in 2013.</p>

<p>That explains it then. Thanks.</p>