Engineering versus physical sciences - stats

Hi. Does anyone know where I can find stats (gpa, act, sat, etc) for the school of engineering versus science (chemistry, math or physics) for undergrads?

You mean this?

Yes. Don’t know how I missed it! Thank you. Good to know.

It’s very helpful statistical detail. Keep in mind a couple of things: 1) those admit rates are depressed since they represent total applications, not total applicants. The latter is significantly larger than the former because many applicants apply to more than one college or school. 2) MCS includes biological sciences, not just physical sciences.

I applied to MCS with a 710R/800M. Will it matter that my reading score is slightly lower?

Well, typical for CMU is to have the reading score “slightly lower” than the math. Your score happens to be under the 25th percentile for MCS - not sure how that will play out. Your Math, at 800, at the 75th (though it’s hard to understand how someone with, say, a 770 in math would be a poor candidate even thought it’s technically on the “low side” LOL). What are your subject test scores?

800 Math, 790 Chem

Well then the low EBRW will be the only possible drawback regarding your test scores. They are what they are so I wouldn’t worry about them.

alright. thanks for responding :slight_smile: