Engineering - What is it like at Virg Tech?

<p>My son is trying to decide what school to go to for Engineering. Virg Tech is so large --- how is the first year in Engineering? Do they try and trim the numbers? He is also looking at - Rowan University and Clarkson. Smaller classes and more hands on engineering stuff the first year. But ... Virg Tech has such a great rep. Any thoughts or experience?</p>

<p>Well, I'm only a high school senior and everything I know about Tech is pretty much second hand knowledge. But, my friends brother started off as an engineering major and transferred out to the business school. He wasn't doing poorly, he had a 3.40 GPA before he transferred out but he said that it was too much work. He said he had little time for anything besides studying and that the courses are super difficult and a lot of other kids changed their majors too, most of them because of their GPA. </p>

<p>I've heard that first year engineering courses at Tech do try to weed out kids...</p>

<p>Honestly dude...VT Engineering is really hard--some of the EngE teachers look to fail atleast 20% of the class. If you can survive the work until Junior year...the weed out factor kinda fades away--but then you have to worry about the super high level of difficulty. Ive been on the verge of transferring to business sooo many times...but Ive just stuck with it because of how ridiculously rewarding it is.</p>