
<p>Hey, I was wondering what's the difference between EE and EECE? Are they the same thing but one specializes in something? And I was wondering if CS 33 is difficult? Should I take CS 33 or Chemistry 20L? Thanks</p>

<p>EE is straight Electrical Engineering, while EECE is Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Computer Engineering. Majoring in EECE is a late-stage declaration which requires you to take some rigorous upper-division computer programming/architecture courses in addition to the Electrical Engineering major requirements. Yes, CS 33 is difficult... it's very low-level and certainly weeds out those potential EECE students who can't make the cut and then stick to being straight EE... I don't know how hard Chem 20L is, so I can't compare the two. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Which one would you recommend majoring in? Cause in the list of classes we have to take EE needs to take chem 20L and EECE needs to take CS 33 instead of the chem 20L. Is that class really neccessary for EECE or to specialize in EECE only the upper division classes matter?</p>

<p>I recommend majoring in whatever you want to major in more... Yes, CS 33 is necessary for EECE even though it's not an upper-division class. You need to know assembly programming for some of the computer hardware courses anyways. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Is majoring in EECE good though? Cause when you look for jobs you can only find jobs that require computer engineering right? Wouldn't EE be better cause it's more open to more jobs? or am I wrong? I just want to major in EE but I don't know if EECE would be a better choice or not.</p>

<p>There aren't many jobs that UCLA EECE majors get that UCLA EE majors can't, right now. Just major in EE for the time being (you have to, anyways) and then decide on EECE if you don't like CS 33, because that's the foundation of lots of EECE material. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Well don't I have to decide soon? Cause I might have to take Chem 20B/20L second quarter if I'm just doing straight EE. EECE doesn't need CHem 20B/20L just EE needs it.</p>

<p>Yes, you should decide on EE/EECE as soon as possible if you plan on graduating within four years... Perhaps you'll get a clear idea of what to major in once you've taken CS 32/Chem 20A, because they are similar to CS 33/Chem 20B, respectively, and will guide you along the path you would do better in. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Have you taken CHem 20A? Is Chem or CS generally harder? or easier to learn? I know that for Chem there's memorization what about CS? Is it just programming and busy work?</p>

<p>I would say that CS is generally harder than Chem. Yes, there's memorization in CS, but not as much as in Chem. You won't be able to write robust code during an exam if you rely on memorization of language syntax as though they were chemistry facts. Yeah, it's indeed programming and "busy work", if you can call it that... :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I say major straight in EE...CS 33 is assembly and that's incredibly boring</p>

<p>If I stick with EE, is taking Chem 20B/ 20Lab , Physics 1A, Calc 32B, and CS 32 a heavy course load for 2nd quarter?? is it even reasonaly to get A's and B's in the classes? That's a 20 unit quarter.</p>

<p>Any comments on whether or not EECE is actually better than EE? Is it more helpful in the future?</p>

<p>You're going to die if you take Chem 20B, Chem 20L, Physics 1A, Math 32B and CS 32 in the same quarter. For the record, no EE major is "better" than another... There's a lot of overlap in the courses (about 70%) taken between a EE/EECE/EEBME curricula, such that it's not going to restrict your job offerings too greatly. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>If CS 33 is really difficult I might stay with EE but I'm not really good with Chem either. But I can memorize and do math pretty well. So I'm not really sure which one I should do. Why is it that Chem 20B and 20L are taken together whereas Physics 1A and Physics 4AL are taken separately? Any suggestions on what I should stick with from past experience with classes or talks with other engineering majors?</p>

<p>Perhaps someone who's taken Chem 20B/20L can answer these questions? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>if you're so worried about lower division courses you will have extreme difficulty with upper division ones. as flopsy said EE and EECE is more or less the same major plus or minus one or two courses. if you are more into computers do EECE other wise do EE</p>

<p>20L + cs32 will kill you on sheer workload</p>

<p>What about CHem 20B/20L, Physics 1B, physics 4AL together? Are labs a hard class or what? I don't get why some labs are separately from lectures and some are together like the chem ones.</p>