
<p>I've been researching a lot of different colleges over the past few months since I'm going to be a senior in high school this fall. I would like to get an engineering degree, either industrial, civil, or environmental, and Miami has all of these engineering majors and several others. I know the school itself is pretty highly ranked, but I can't find anything about the engineering program's rankings or reputation. So far Miami has everything I'm looking for: great location, academics, weather, social scene, and the probability of a good scholarship, but I need to know if it's worth getting an engineering degree there when I could just go to the University of Michigan (instate).</p>

<p>By the way, I already know I shouldn’t compare Michigan to Miami, but I just want to know if miami’s engineering program is at least decent.</p>


<p>I am a current engineering student at Miami. I am not sure of the specific rankings, but there is something you should know. The college of engineering is the only college at Miami to have its own career advisor. In addition, I believe almost every single graduate from the college of engineering has had at least one job offer. I am not sure if this is true, but i remember hearing it somewhere: if you don’t get a job offer, the University will pay for you to get your masters. Again, not sure if that is actually true, but I’ve heard it before. There is a facebook group for the college of engineering at the university of miami if you have more questions, or you could always email an engineering admissions counselor. they may be biased, but they are also honest. Hope this helps, and let me know if you need any more info on miami engineering.</p>

<p>Thanks, that was very insightful</p>

<p>Papa…you are aware that UMich has one of the top engineering programs in the country…and in fact the world. At in-state prices. I’m not going to tell you what to do…but think very, very carefully before you walk away from an option like that.</p>

<p>Yeah…I guess with the job opportunities a U of M degree provides, I could just move to Miami or somewhere nice after I graduate.</p>

<p>Does anyone think I would qualify for their Isaac Bashevis Singer (full) Scholarship?</p>

<p>My stats:
Class rank- 5/471
GPA (unweighted): 4.0
ACT: 32 (English 34, Math 32, Reading 32, Science 29)</p>

<p>Ap classes:
Gov (11th) - 3
Physics B (11th) - 5
Physics C (12th)
Literature (12th)
Calculus (12th)</p>

<p>I’ve also been in a special Math/Science program since 9th grade. I guess it would be considered “honors.” </p>

Freshman Link Crew (only 11th lol)
NHS(only 12th lol)
Mu Alpha Theta (11th & 12th)
Ski Club (10th &11th maybe 12th, learned to snowboard in 10th grade and went on a few trips)
Community Service ( 80-100 hrs before I graduate) - this summer I volunteered at my county’s food bank by sorting food and packing boxes, and I’m also volunteering at a library.</p>