
<p>so i know cc isnt really for engineering but nevertherless, im really leaning toward coming here. but i still wanna hear about cc's engineering program. is there anybody who can tell me about it? is it almost impossible program or is it doable?
also, this might be random but does cc support some kind of coop program as well?</p>

<p>This was copied from the CC website:</p>

<p>Colorado College has cooperative programs in
engineering (3- 2 and 4-2 years) with Columbia
University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, The
University of Southern California, and Washington
University (in St. Louis, Missouri). These cooperative
programs lead to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree from
Colorado College and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or
Masters degree from one of the four engineering
schools. The 3-2/4-2 programs offer an education
that is increasingly valuable, as engineers
progressively deal with more complex societal and
environmental issues as well as the technical ones.</p>

<p>Under the 3-2 program, a student attends
Colorado College for three years, then transfers
to one of the four engineering schools for two
additional years. At the end of the process, assuming
satisfactory completion of all requirements, she or he
receives both degrees (B.A. and B.S.). Under the 4-2
program, a student attends Colorado College for four
years, completes the B.A. degree in the normal time,
and then transfers to the engineering school for two
additional years. There, she or he earns the B.S.
(Bachelor of Science) degree or possibly the M.S.
(Master of Science) degree.</p>