engineers accepted at Stanford...

<p>What were your stats and what are you planning to major in? Thanks!</p>

<p>1550/800/790/780x3/750...5 5's on AP's and 7 more this 5%...state awards in math/physics...BME (not an official major though idt) and Math</p>

<p>1490/800/760/750/720...4 5's on AP's, one 4, a few 7s in IB, top 1%, state awards. </p>

<p>I wanted BME but Stanford has opposed a BME major on philosophical grounds ("ohhh BME field has not been fully established so it's not ethically right for us to offer a major blah blah..") so now i might do either BioMechE/BioMed computation or Electr or even just do economics!! It's OK though, cuz whatever engineering major I do, I'll most probably do Bioengineering graduate through the 5 year B.S/M.S. program, and if you have a grad degree for bioE, then your undergrad does not matter.</p>