Engl 1106

<p>Who are the best teachers for ENGL 1106? I want an easy teacher</p>

<p>I had LoMascolo (maybe it was LoMoscolo?) and she was AWESOME. We watched Braveheart! The book you read (Outlander) is way better than the books that most of the other sections read. She’s an easy grader if you work with her and at least go through the motions.</p>

<p>Haha. I just did course request and that is who I picked. I hope I get her</p>

<p>haha what are the chances… small world</p>

<p>But yeah, LoMasco (spelling?) is the probably the best teacher</p>

<p>There are a lot of different teachers and each one does it differently. Mine had us make comic books instead of write papers (with a lot of studying American Splendor) which was fun because the professor was really into it. My other professor was into myths an heros so that’s what the whole class was about. It’s a fun class because they really leave it up to the professor how to handle it and professors that are interested in what they’re talking about are much better than those that aren’t. </p>

<p>And actually now that I think about it I think I ha that same professor. Is she the one that is kind of an old hippy and let’s the class take days off when the weather is nice to “connect with nature”?</p>

<p>Yeah, we had at least 5 days off once the weather got nice (spring semester). She lives far away from campus up in the mountains or something, so some of the really snowy days she couldn’t make it to campus and class was also cancelled. The university actually closed a couple of those days, but we definitely had days where other classes met but english was cancelled because she couldn’t make it.</p>

<p>Haha, yep, same professor.</p>