English 103

<p>S took Engl. 103 this past semester and from the course catalog description, we assumed that by taking the class, he will be given credit for Eng. 101 as well, provided he meets the grade requirement for 103, which he did.</p>

<p>From the catalog description:</p>

<p>“English 103 is an accelerated freshman composition course that is open to students with minimum ACT composite scores of 28 (or English scores of 30) or minimum SAT scores of 1240 (or verbal scores of 720). At the completion of English 103 with a grade of C- or higher, placement credit is awarded for English 101 and the general studies requirement for freshman composition is complete.”</p>

<p>However, the Eng. 101 credit is not appearing on degree works as a credit, and in fact, it shows that he still needs another freshman english, either 101 or 104 to complete the freshman english requirement. </p>

<p>Any comment from anyone who previously took Eng. 103?</p>

<p>Sometimes, DegreeWorks does not show all courses. My son suggests that your son e-mail his adviser about this. He or she can straighten out the matter.</p>

<p>This sort of weird stuff happens with Degree Works…it’s like all the kinks haven’t been worked out to handle these odd classes that cover other classes.</p>

<p>In the end, it won’t be a problem. Your son will get credit for both classes.</p>

<p>Thanks, moms. I was afraid the policy suddenly changed this semester, for some unknown reason. Will send out the email to clarify.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, if you take Eng 103, does the grade count for the six credits? For example, if you get an A, will you get 4 points for 6 credits, or a Pass for Eng 101 and the 4 points for 3 credits for Eng 102?</p>

<p>sophocles, please let us know what you find out. We’re in the same situation. Thanks and Happy New Year.</p>

<p>Malanai and sophocles, did your sons get six quality points times their grades for the English 103 course, or just three quality points times their grade, and a satisfaction of Eng 101 through Advanced Placement?</p>

<p>Call the English dept and/or the registrars office. They can clarify how this all shakes out.</p>


Son got three. He was told by his advisor way back when that Eng 101 would be satisfied by a combo of his SAT CR score and completion of Eng 103. So far, we find no indication that he’s been given credit for Eng 101.</p>


<p>Is “placement credit” the same as actual credit?</p>

<p>H started by calling the Registrar’s, who directed him to the Dept. of Mech. Eng. He spoke with Dr. Taylor, the chairman of the dept., who said that S will receive the 3 credits for Eng. 103 with the grade received for that class and, provided the grade is a B or better, he will receive an additional 3 credits for Eng. 10? (whatever the remaining freshman english requirement would be) with a “Pass” grade. Thus, completion of Eng. 103 with a grade of B or better allows him to fulfill the requirements for two semesters of freshman english. </p>

<p>As for DegreeWorks, his dept. says it may take some time for the credit to show up but if it doesn’t appear within a few weeks, to come to the Mech. Eng. dept. and they would take care of it.</p>


<p>Are you saying that only 3 credits are showing up in Degree works? </p>

<p>What is showing up on his unofficial transcript.</p>

<p>Those who take En 103 and complete it, do get credit for both classes. however, I think the 101 is just given a P (not a letter grade).</p>

<p>Not to beat a dead horse, but S received this email as reply from the registrar’s office:</p>

<p>“At some point this Spring, we will receive a list from the English department of students that are to be awarded credit for EN 101. Once we receive that list, you will be awarded credit assuming that you appear.”</p>



<p>That’s correct, m2ck. Degree Works also says, “Still Needed: 3 Credits in EN 101 or 104 or 120.”</p>

<p>The unofficial transcript shows no evidence yet of any credit for EN 101. But, given sophocles’ info above (thank you, and please feel free to beat that horse at will!), it seems to me only a matter of time before UA’s system catches up and sorts this out.</p>

<p>I just contacted the Registrar’s office over a different issue. Son has the computer req’t filled by CBH 201 and 202, but it’s not showing up in Degree Works. The registrar office said that the advisor needs to send her a note saying that the classes will count. So, son sent an email to his advisor and now that should get fixed.</p>

<p>So, you might contact the English dept and ask when are they going to let the Registrars office know about the 101 English credit.</p>

<p>FYI my son’s Degree Works now says “EN 101 Satisfied By EN 103” and, as a result, his “transfer credits earned” have been bumped up from 22 to 25. His unofficial transcript, accessed from the Student Tab on myBama, has yet to reflect this change.</p>

<p>The grade listed for EN 101 is P. Additionally, Degree Works now shows his freshman composition requirement to be fulfilled. </p>

<p>I still find it amazing that at the end of this semester, his first at UA, he’ll be only 3 credits shy of junior standing.</p>

<p>S’s CR was only 690, but CR/M combined is 1390. So, I assume that means he can skip Eng 101? (He took a freshman comp class at local CC this past semester and received an A…)</p>

<p>LadyDianeski: If your son took freshman comp at a local community college, check that UA will accept the transfer credit. If it does, your son would receive credit for English 101.</p>

<p>Malanai, you must have read my mind! I meant to add a post asking if anyone has any new information about the additional 3 credits for Eng. 101, and voila’ here I see your post. Sure enough, son’s Degree works shows his freshman composition has been completed with the addition of Eng. 101. Many thanks for the update!</p>

<p>^^^You’re most welcome. And while I’m at it, allow me to correct that garbled prose at the end of my post above. I meant to convey that my son will be 3 credits shy of junior standing at the end of Spring semester, which will complete his first year at Bama