English 103

<p>Anyone have any feedback regarding taking English 103 instead of both English 101 & 102? Thanks!</p>

<p>My aero-eng’g son took Eng 103 (and having completed it, then got 3 retro credits for Eng 101). English was never his strongest subject, and he took regular English all throughout HS, but is good at writing papers. He did have a solid ACT sub in English as well, if that helps, for comparison. I say definitely go for it! If you are concerned about something in particular, let us know and CC’rs will answer specifics.</p>

<p>My son is going to give it a try as well. He is a CS major who took lots of AP’s in science, math, and history – but he always took on-level English because he avoids writing like the plague. His thinking was that if he buckled down for one semester he could avoid a full second semester. The section he selected was also based on a topic he found really interesting so he is hoping that will make the writing more palatable. Back in the dark ages I did something similar in my first semester at UNC. I thought I was a great writer, so I was really disappointed that my first few papers were C grades. The class really did prepare me for the type of writing that was expected in college level courses. </p>

<p>If this is a tipping point for you: the EN103 classes are capped at 18 students per session; the EN 101/102 classes are capped at 24 students. Both small classes, but EN 103 just that little bit smaller.</p>