<p>Why is English the only class in all schools that is required for all 4 years? How come math and other courses aren't required for all 4 years?</p>
<p>My school requires four years of math.</p>
<p>It might be because the school views the ability to write well as marginally more important than the ability to solve a math problem (although math teaches logical thinking, and I agree that it should be required all four years.)
And a lot of people don’t like math and would rather just have three years. I don’t know if that would actually have an effect on the requirements, though.</p>
<p>My district requires four years of math and English. Some part of the science requirements was also changed a few years ago.</p>
<p>We have to take 4 years of math, science, history, AND English.</p>
<p>My school doesn’t even offer four history classes.</p>
<p>^ Well, usually “history” refers to social studies, which includes topics like government and economics, and sometimes even psychology, anthropology, etc.</p>
<p>NYC requires four years of English and Social Studies. Hopefully so people can learn how to read and write and… not repeat history? lol.</p>
<p>It’s not like that everywhere. No matter your job you will have to be proficient in the English language. I think that math should definitely be required all 4 years, though.</p>
<p>In my school, you need 4 yrs of English, 3 of math, 3 of social studies, and 2 of science. Look at the general population’s abilities, and you’ll see why English is needed for all 4 years. So many people I know couldn’t tell you the difference between your and you’re.</p>
<p>My school district requires 4 years of language arts, science, and math but 3 years of social studies.</p>
<p>My school requires four years of math, English, science and social studies (or three years of a language and three years of social studies).</p>
<p>That being said the reason why English requirements are universal is because no matter what you will do in life you will need to be able to communicate your thoughts and understand others, two things that are commonly taught in English.</p>
<p>There is no social studies class offered to freshman at my high school.</p>
<p>Because English is the only subject that people are going to use every day for the rest of their life, and math isn’t.</p>
<p>^also, many people run out of math classes to take, especially the genius’s of CC</p>
<p>^CC is a small subset. Furthermore, many more people don’t actually run out of math to take. Another small subset.</p>
<p>English is the only solid subject that people have no variances in. People can be in different levels of history, math, and science but all sophomores take English 2, juniors English 3, etc. (whether its ap or not is irrelevant.)</p>