<p>I'm looking into UCF and FSU for English majors, but I'm really disappointed by the lack of diversity of majors within the English dept at UCF. </p>
<p>Has anyone been involved with English majors at UCF? I'm a bit worried. I love writing, editing, and incorporating it with modern-day media (which is why FSU's "Editing, Writing, & Media" major seemed like a perfect fit).</p>
<p>I have my sights set on UNC Chapel Hill for grad school, but will UCF adequately prepare me for such a competitive school? I'm planning on living there for a year to get the in-state tuition. As you can guess, finances are a concern, and saving money is great. However, with my calcualtions, I'd be paying about the same for FSU and UCF; I would just be 5 hours from home at FSU, as opposed to a short drive if I lived on campus at UCF.</p>
<p>I'm interested in minoring in poli sci and/or graphic design, if any of you know about those programs.</p>
<p>I’ve been wondering about this too. I’m also a prospective English major at UCF and I’d like to hear about people’s experiences. I’m not set on an English major though; I’m a bit of an Undecided.</p>
<p>oh don’t tell me that. that worries me. I want to major in English as well.</p>
<p>DeepThought, have you heard about UCF’s English PhD in Texts and Technology? I would imagine you have, but someone was describing it to me when I visited last week and it made me think of your interest in English and modern-day media.
<p>[UCF:</a> CAH: English Graduate Programs: Ph.D. in Texts and Technology](<a href=“http://english.ucf.edu/graduate/tandt.php]UCF:”>http://english.ucf.edu/graduate/tandt.php)</p>
<p>Obviously, since you’re considering UCF for undergrad and not for grad school, it’s not directly relevant–still, when I met with a professor from the English department, she said when you complete Honors in the major (with an honors thesis, I mean) you take a graduate course. It might just be one, but I’m not sure. </p>
<p>Anyway, my sense of the English department when I talked to Dr. Angley there there was that it’s a good program, but like all of UCF’s programs, it’s feeling the strains of the bad economy and a rapidly-growing university. At the same time, virtually all of the English department’s classes are offered as both regular and honors, so you could theoretically take almost all of your English requirements as small classes with other honors students. She also discussed English majors who had gotten impressive internships (one with Smithsonian, I think) and had gone on to grad school and had all sorts of careers. (One person she mentioned worked for a while at a non-profit in San Francisco.) I realize this is all a bit vague, but I thought I would share what I found out!</p>