Hello, I’m currently a CC student and I’m a little confused when it comes to this particular requirement.
I’ve already taken English 1A (or a.k.a English 101 at other schools). Basically the first college level composition course.
Naturally, you go on to the next requirement, which is the critical thinking one to fulfill my IGETC.
I had the choice between a Critical Thinking Philosophy course (Philo.25) or another English advanced Composition course (English 1C or a.k.a English 102 at other schools)
What do people usually take? Is it bad that I enrolled in the philosophy course? I opted for that one because it’s 1 less unit and it didn’t require me to take ANOTHER english course. I also find it more interesting.
I mean they both fulfill the critical thinking requirement… Most UC’s and CSU’s say “Two transferable English Composition courses”. Would my philosophy course count? Or are 4 year schools that picky? Is there anyone out there that took a philosophy course to fulfill this requirement? My major is Linguistics and Psychology btw.
At my school the critical thinking requirement can come from the philosophy class you speak of, also from English 3(critical thinking and comp) and Communications 25(Argumentation) I took English 1A and English 3, both classes I enjoyed very much, while my sister took English 1A and philosophy which she enjoyed. I found English 3 pretty difficult in terms of how critically we were thinking, and my sister found philosophy pretty easy, so I guess it’s just your preference!
Oh okay thank you for your answer.
And just as long as you complete IGETC requirements you should be good right?
As far as transferring is concerned. This is just the route I want to take. I was just a little worried because I think most people go for the other option. Or say that’s the one you need to take. I think maybe for certain schools but I can’t be too sure.
@Minccino45 , An English course that is merely composition (unless you miswrote it above) will not fulfill IGETC subject area 1b.
Since I am not sure where you’re grabbing that philo course, as long as it fulfills the IGETC Subject area 1b, you’re good to go. In other words, it fulfills the English Critical thinking/comp req. if listed in IGETC 1b.
Just make sure it is at least 3 semester units.
Yeah, the philosophy course is under subject area 1b and it’s a critical thinking course. Has 3 units.
Thank you. I just hope I can transfer smoothly is all.
If it’s listed there it’s fine.