Dickinson’s last twenty years of letters - many over 1,500 words in length - [reveals] the breath and depth of her connection to the world through a wide circle of correspondents.
A. reveals
B. reveal
I chose “reveals” b/c I thought “20 years” would be the subject, and a duration of time should be considered as single. Can someone please explain this to me? Thank you!
First, cross of “many over 1,500 words in length” and “of letters” to avoid distractions. Once that’s done, there’s 2 easy ways to get the correct answer (reveal):
Use your ear (twenty years...reveals) just doesn't sound right to me at least.
Plural subject ---> reveal is the verb. If the sentence would have said, "Dickinson's past," then you would be correct with reveals.
@BHan98 You are right - when a time span is used as a single unit, it’s singular:
Twenty-four hours is too long to stay awake
Twenty-four hours were given to complete this task.
“Twenty years of letters” is short of “twenty years worth of letters” - it tells us about a huge number of letters, as in “a whole bunch of letters” which is plural.
Incidentally, “a number of objects” is plural, but “the number of objects” is singular.