English (Writing/Reading) Skills

<p>Anyone have any tips for improving one's writing skills other than reading? Especially if they are short on time... Study an entire grammar book? Would that help? What would help with reading comprehension and critical analysis? </p>

<p>I'm asking because I'm having trouble in my english class. Please help. Thanks everyone. =]</p>

<p>To help your writing skills reading a grammar book won't likely help you. You just need to write, practice writing. Perhaps write some essays and ask your teachers or friends or parents to look over them and tell you where you can improve. </p>

<p>And to improve reading comprehension and analysis one thing I do is to take notes while I'm reading. I buy all my books so I can write in them. I underline things and scribble ideas. If you read a chapter or a section, you should then try to summarize what you just read to yourself, or write it down. And for analysis that's a bit harder. You could look at examples online, ie sparks notes and see what you are doing wrong or need to be looking at in your analysis. While your reading try to think of connections and links to other things (philosophy, history, the author, other books, etc) and what the greater meaning is, anything in particular you notice is interesting, diction and syntax, symbols and motifs.</p>