ENGR 103 no longer requireed?

<p>Two of my friends who are engineer majors told me that ENGR 103 is not required anymore for engineering students,.</p>

<p>How do I confirm this? Should I just call the department?</p>

<p>P.S. I got my visa</p>

<p>Great news on the VISA, Paul. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Paul you should call to confirm, This might be for entering class to Graduated in 2019. My son a class of 2018 still had to take it this past semester that just ended last week. </p>

<p>Reliable sources of information for any major requirements are either the departmental flowchart(s) or the academic/course catalogs which pertain to when you start your program at UA.
It is my understanding that for ChemEng majors, ENGR 103 is not required IF you are starting at (or above) a Maths level higher than Calc III. (For Aero, Mechanical, and Electrical, ENGR 103 appears to still be required.)
This is a quote from the Chem Eng’g flowchart: <a href=“http://che.eng.ua.edu/undergraduate/chemical-engineering/”>http://che.eng.ua.edu/undergraduate/chemical-engineering/&lt;/a&gt; See Footnote K: “For students starting in MA 227 or higher, ENGR 103 can be replaced by taking an additional CHE, ENG or ADV SCI elective.”
Also, for your situation, you should be aware that UA offers a dual, double-major degree with Chem Eng’g AND Chemistry. The link above gives you both flowcharts. Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>^^^Yes, I think ENGR 103 is only not required for certain Chem Engineers in the Class of 2018 or earlier. I think everybody else in engineering IS expected to take it.</p>

<p>Congrats on the Visa!!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone</p>