Engr 131

<p>I am trying to set up a tentative schedule to bring to Bama Bound next month. When I look up ENGR 131 nothing comes up. Is it not being offered in the fall?</p>

<p>I think that there may be a new engineering curriculum next year. Son is a rising senior, and I think it’s changed since he started. But I’ve heard that the one credit freshman engineering courses are going to be eliminated and consolidate. Just through the grapevine, not officially, so don’t take my word on it. Go to the engineering website or call the engineering department to see if you can get a mock schedule.</p>

<p>Good luck at Bama Bound!</p>

<p>A few weeks ago, I called the Engineering department and confirmed the 131, 141, 151 sequence were replaced with ENGR 103 which is a 3 credit course. The website has been updated
[College</a> of Engineering < The University of Alabama](<a href=“CAS - Central Authentication Service”>CAS - Central Authentication Service)</p>

<p>You will see some of the “old” courses offered so that students who entered Fall 2012 can finish out the 1 credit courses.</p>

<p>EDIT TO ADD: The flowsheets under each Engineering major have not yet been updated; it is just the Freshman Engineering portion which has been updated so far. I’m sure each department will update the flowcharts soon.</p>

<p>The #s of seats for Eng’g 103 appear strange. Last Fall 2012, there were 7 sessions of Eng’g 111, with 150 kids in each (i.e., completely full). And a combined total of 810 students in Eng’g 131, 141, and 142 for Fall 2012. So, the current tally of only 194 current seats in Eng’g 103 does not appear to be right. More seats/sections will open up. Don’t get your heart set too much on a particular section quite yet.</p>

<p>I too have a question about the change in the intro engineering sequence.</p>

<p>On degree works for my son (EE major) the Engr 131/141/151 sequence of 1 credit classes is still listed as required classes.<br>
The Engr 103 3 credit class does not show up anywhere. Has degreeworks not been updated yet?</p>

<p>My Freshman S is in 131 right now, and is registered for 141 next fall. I think he would have preferred the 103 at three credit hours instead because his feeling is that there is an inordinate amount of work involved in his current 131 class for just one credit hour.</p>

<p>Degree Works probably hasn’t yet been updated. You might send an email to eng’g and mention that, so they can nudge the right people to update DW.</p>

<p>*A few weeks ago, I called the Engineering department and confirmed the 131, 141, 151 sequence were replaced with ENGR 103 which is a 3 credit course. The website has been updated *</p>

<p>Glad to see that those 3 courses have been combined. It was odd that they were all separate.</p>

<p>*The #s of seats for Eng’g 103 appear strange. Last Fall 2012, there were 7 sessions of Eng’g 111, with 150 kids in each (i.e., completely full). And a combined total of 810 students in Eng’g 131, 141, and 142 for Fall 2012. So, the current tally of only 194 current seats in Eng’g 103 does not appear to be right. More seats/sections will open up. *</p>

<p>Since freshman level seats are held back for each Bama Bound, it’s too early to be comparing the number of seats available for Fall 2013 vs Fall 2012. </p>

<p>If there were well over 1000 total seats for all the Eng’g 111 sections last year, then there will likely (eventually) be at least that many for this year. </p>

<p>This will be true for most/all of the frosh classes. You’ll really notice this in the typical larger lecture Gen Ed classes (like US History 101 or whatever). </p>

<p>FYI all of the Frosh Comp classes stay smallish (I think around 25 seats per class). That’s why there are sooooo many sections. I think I counted 160+ Frosh Comp 1 sections one year. Since there are essays to grade, those classes can’t be large.</p>