<p>I'm currently a rising senior, and I'm going to apply to some pretty selective schools (Harvard, Princeton, MIT, etc.).</p>
<p>I just got my AP scores back today and between my three years of high school combined, I have 8 scores (six 4s, two 5s).</p>
<p>Now I've always been somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my grades. I remember I posted another thread here a while back complaining about a 2330 SAT score (I got shouted at by some people through the internet, my bad...).</p>
<p>Back then that was me being obsessive and somewhat ridiculous. What I need to know now is, am I again being obsessive and ridiculous about my AP scores? I'm worried they might hurt my chances of getting accepted at some of these colleges. I don't think schools like Harvard offer credit for the scores, but they do let you place into more advanced classes, and they definitely consider the scores for admission. I certainly hope this is me being my overly obsessive self again.</p>
<p>Your ap scores are fine. Just don’t think about them. Other parts of your profile decides your admission. Your class rank and mainly ECS. Focus on those. Good luck</p>
<p>Still, if he had all 5s his chances would be higher at admission. theyre not negligible… and he’s competing for the top - almost everyone else will have all 5s.</p>
<p>Your App can’t be perfect. AP scores really don’t count that much, so it’s MOST likely your AP scores will not matter at all. However, it’s possible (VERY VERY unlikely) that they could mean the difference between an accept/reject. However, it’s a very small flaw and again, it’s VERY likely to not matter at all. </p>
<p>In summation, it’s VERY VERY unlikely that they’ll affect you tremendously, and there’s nothing you can do about it, so stop worrying about your scores and start worrying about the other and MUCH more significant aspects of your application.</p>
<p>If you do very well on your APs (all fives on the exams you took) does that look good? I have 5s on all the exams I have taken (AP US, AP English Language, and AP Calc BC both the BC and AB subscores). We are only allowed take APs as juniors at my school, so otherwise I would have taken more tests and will I be taking five more next year. Do you think this would be helpful in admissions? I was told that if you have taken an AP class, they expect to see the test score, so I’m guessing there is some interest. I do not know how much though. What does everyone think?</p>
<p>What do colleges think about independent studies? My school mostly only allows APs for junior and senior year. Sophomores can take the AP European History after completing a regular European History (non-AP focused) course. Even then, they limit it to 3 per year.</p>
<p>I managed to kind of get around it, though.
I didn’t take a Stats class, studied the course on my own, and took the test.
I didn’t take an econ class at my school (although I did one online and one at a college) and took both Macro and Micro exams.</p>
<p>So yeah, all the colleges are like, “We want to be sure you’re challenging yourself by taking a difficult courseload,” but in this case, my APs reflect a more difficult workload than just my courses.</p>
<p>I hope admissions committees take that into consideration? (Yeah, that’s really not a question, but I’ll show my doubt with that question mark at the end there.)</p>