Enrolling De Anza in Spring semester??

<p>I tried searching, but everyone should know this forum doesn't have the best search system.</p>

<p>I was going to enroll this Fall 08, but things got in the way, so now I'll be working and having some off-time.
I plainly thought it'd just be simply better to enroll a year later in Fall '09 semester and then transfer after 2 years like everybody else, so I won't have to deal with being "exceptional," to say.. UC transfer process and the awkwardness of graduating by myself in winter(so to speak). Plus I JUST became a Cali resident, so it'd be cheaper to go a semester later as well.</p>

<p>So I did tell my father, that it'd just be simply easier to go to school a year later, but he disagrees; he would rather want me to go to school Spring '09.</p>

<p>I'm really oblivious to this whole thing, and thought about just walking into De Anza's counselor's office, but thought this would be way faster and clear through.</p>

<p>SO, to make it short, my question would be:
1) DO students get to transfer to UC's from De Anza in Spring semester? (I mean, I would figure "of course" but I would like to spend 2 years at De Anza)? Would there be any disadvantages of doing this?</p>

<p>I'm fine with working and earning some job experience before I go to school, and have no problem with being a year behind. </p>

<p>Thanks to all, as always, this forum is more than just helpful :)</p>

<p>Job experience won’t help you to transfer. You don’t just transfer after 2 years you need to have 90 units done and usually your pre-req done for your major. Depending on your major it might take longer then 2 years to transfer. Its always better to start early , you can even start in the winter quarter. UC’s do take winter transfer but it different each year what schools do and depends on the major. Also you should go visit a counselor.</p>