Enrolling in Honors Classes - After BBound

<p>What is your experience with honors classes/sessions opening up at non-honors orientations? My son attended the honors orientation last week (the last honors one). He was not able to get into a freshman seminar (all full) and hopes to swap a geography class for a freshman seminar before month-end. </p>

<p>The bigger issue is that he is currently enrolled in Biology 114/115 and would now like to switch into Honors Biology 118. It would fit in his schedule without moving much around – so that is do-able. Just not sure how many add’l spots will open up – if any. He went to previous semesters to try to gauge and the classes were smaller than what is currently showing as capacity for this semester– so that didn’t help. Also, if honors biology does have a spot opening how do you mechanically add the add’l class – do you have to drop 114/115 first? I’d hate for him to do that before getting into 118 but he already has 16 hours so not sure if you can add without dropping something first.</p>

<p>My son was at the last Honors BB also and has changed all but one of his classes since we arrived home (he is happy with all sections and done changing now). </p>

<p>Not sure about how many, if any, honors seats will be added, just keep checking throughout the day on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s (that is the 2nd day of the BB’s).</p>

<p>The drop/add is easy to do and it is done at the same time. Go to the drop/add line, click on it, use the pull down arrow and “drop” the class and then at the bottom you put in the CRN of the new “add” class then hit submit.</p>

<p>Hope this helps and he gets what he is looking for :)</p>

<p>^^ Just a warning -drop/add is done at the same time, but the system will drop the class you have without adding the class you want if it’s not available. That happened to my D. Fortunately she was able to add back the class she dropped before it was snapped up. The system also would not let her go above 18 hours, so she had to drop before adding (or do it simultaneously).</p>

<p>Also, it appears you can register for classes without getting certain overrides while at BB. After we were back, we tried to switch D’s Calc III class to a more convenient time. It dropped her class but wouldn’t add the new one without the override. She had registered at BB without the override. We were able to call the Math Dept and quickly get an override before the single spot was taken. Just an FYI if you are trying to move things around.</p>

<p>We went to one of the first BB’s. My son has made a number of changes based on classes that have come open since attendance at BB. Keep checking. Not only are spaces opening from students dropping, but they are either adding numbers to the sections, or adding additional sections. My son could not sign up for a 1 credit CS class because it conflicted with another class that only happened at that time. Within the past 2 weeks, a second section has opened and he was able to register for it.</p>

<p>I guess he was just hoping that some more honors spots would open at these later orientations but so far we aren’t seeing any new spots added in any of the freshman honors seminars or department classes. I know these aren’t honors orientation sessions but we figured there would be a few honors kids at each of the orientations so they would have to add a couple of slots in classes but maybe not… So - warning to next year’s honors freshman - go to Bama Bound EARLY!</p>

<p>I saw that today some spots were added to an honors chemistry class, so spots are still opening up in some cases. I was happy because I was able to switch into a lab time I liked better.</p>