Enrollment deposits, dorms, etc

<p>Can somebody please clear this up for me? I have a few questions.</p>

<p>If I go ahead and pay the enrollment deposit of $200 (which I realize is non-refundable), then I am then free to fill out the housing application. I got that. </p>

<p>My son wants honors housing, but has not yet been accepted by (or even applied to) the Honors College. How does this work? Can we apply for honors housing anyway, or is this something that doesn’t come up until time to pick a room?</p>

<p>Apply for housing now. Once he’s accepted, it’ll automatically change and he will be able to choose honors housing in the spring.</p>

<p>The issue won’t come up until he picks his room.</p>

<p>That said, he should apply to honors now that he can.</p>