
<p>Has the housing application for Fall of 2014 opened? I know my ds must pay an enrollment deposit first and can then pay the housing deposit. And, I know he has an enrollment tab. But is housing “ready to go,” too?</p>

<p>Probably not til October.</p>

<p>We are eager to put the housing deposit down too and DD will be looking for Honors Housing roommates. She is planning on going Greek. Would love for her to hook up with a DD of a fellow CC mom!</p>

<p>Okay. So is there any reason to pay the enrollment deposit now? You’re saying I can’t pay the housing deposit until October, correct? Or are you saying he wouldn’t get to choose a dorm until October? I just want to make sure I’m not missing anything. Thanks!</p>

<p>No I don’t think you are missing anything. The Honors College application can’t be done though until you pay the Enrollment Deposit.</p>

<p>^Thanks, NC Mom. That’s good to know. We are holding off on the Honors College Application until NMSF are announced. I just wanted to know if once we paid enrollment, housing would also be a go, but it sounds like (if I am understanding m2ck correctly) housing doesn’t open until October. We know ds will be named a NMSF, but certainly don’t want to claim it until it is “official,” kwim?</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip on the Honors College App, though!</p>

<p>Congrats on NMF status in advance! Yes I believe the Housing App opened up on 10/1 last year. We are eagerly awaiting its release too!</p>

<p>Thanks! Good to know when to look for it!</p>

<p>Should housing problems be expected again for class of 2014? I know it was an issue last year; are they going to open up new buildings for next year or will it likely be the same scenario? I really loved the suites when I visited; honors housing seems like a huge plus.</p>

<p>By making the deposits as soon as you can it is just one less step to do when the housing deposit opens up in October. I am not kidding when I say to be sitting at the computer at the ready that morning to make the housing deposit. No matter how fast you type your info in it will be hard to get the very first selection. We got day 1 but 4th slot. Not bad.</p>

<p>The new phase of Presidential Village building will be open next year.</p>

<p>I strongly advise all who are certain or even remotely certain to attend UA to pay your enrollment fee now, get the Honors application in now ( dont worry if your waiting for additional EC’s , leadership, etc, if you have the required GPA and SAT/ACT you will be accepted). What i mean by now is prior to the housing application opening day. You cannot apply for housing until the enrollment fee is paid. For the Fall class of 2013 the housing application and deposit opened on October 1st. If you want a TOP shot at getting your choice dorm building especially if your looking to stay in the Honors dorm which currently are the Ridgecrests you will want to pay your housing fee as soon as the application is available. It was 8am Oct 1st last year. We paid our DS’s housing enrollment as soon as it was available. When the time slots are allocated for dorm selection in the spring you will have a great shot at your choice housing and will be able to pull in roommates at the same time even if your future roommates paid their housing fee later and were given a later selection date and time.</p>

<p>^Wow. I don’t really know what that means - 4th slot. But I will heed your advice and be at the ready!!!</p>

<p>^^^When UA mails out the day and time slot that your son/daughter can select housing it is given in 15 minute increments starting at for example April 4th at 7pm. Then additional slots are given out in those 15 minute increments (7:15, 7:30 etc.) not sure how many people are given each slot but many of the more popular dorms were filled up by the end of the first day. Remember the better the time slot, the better odds that your DS/DD will find a dorm room with 4 open rooms to pull in the rest of her desired roommates.</p>

<p>OMG shuddering remembering that night, so stressful but the kids handled it great…</p>

<p>My DS and upstate13’s DS are roommates in the Honors dorm in Ridgecrest South. They met along with their other 2 roommates after conversing for months on the UA 2017 Facebook page and of course after several hundred texts. They are loving life the 4 of them right now. God I’m jealous.</p>

<p>Even if you want to be on the 8th floor or lower of Tutwiler you better have a primo housing selection slot. The 4th floor was the lowest available when the roomie had her selection time and that was Day 1 in the 2nd time slot.</p>

<p>Hmm - but what if DS is not 100% ready to commit? The other schools he is applying to definitely won’t have responses out until spring. He would be in HC but doesn’t have any roommate preferences - being from OOS. Would it be such a disadvantage to wait to sign up for housing? Is it possible that he wouldn’t get into the Honors Dorms?</p>

<p>if he wants to be able to choose roommates or buildings he needs to deposit before spring decisions come out.</p>

<p>if he doesn’t care, then deposit whenever you want.</p>

<p>DD was also waiting for responses from schools that announce end of March/beg of April, but we got her applications and deposits in at UA right away. Enough of the deposits are refundable that it just didn’t make sense to wait and lose out on the ability to make choices.</p>

<p>If UA is even on their list of schools they would like to attend, make the deposits. Get the room selection time nailed down. When selection time comes, get a room. Being OOS they can still join the FB page and find roommates and pull each other in to the room they want. If your DS/DD gets an acceptance to a school higher up their list and they weigh all offers and want to go that path, all you have lost is a few bucks to gaurantee your student honors housing or the dorm building and room they desired at UA. </p>

<p>DD attended Early College this summer. We were told they would be able move from their summer dorm to their fall dorm on the last day of summer II. I still made her sign up for a move in time, just in case. Turns out it was needed, for the roommate. The roommate p/u DD at the airport. DD had her permit for her time slot printed out and was able to get them in. Also, another very good reason we are glad she did sign up for a move in time, that was the ONLY time they could receive their room keys. If we had not she would have had to wait to the very end and jump thru some hoops to get that key since she did not have a move in time. </p>

<p>It is called insurance. It is available. Use it. If you don’t need it, great. If you do, you will be glad you had it.</p>