Enrollment so low, class section cancelled

<p>Now that we’ve done registration, I sometimes check back to see how full some of son’s classes are. A couple have really not added any more students, so I was wondering if it ever happens that a class is cancelled due to “lack of interest”. </p>

<p>For instance, maybe 50 slots are available, and only 10 kids register for the class.</p>

<p>Does the class get cancelled, leaving those 10 to scramble to find another class?</p>

<p>I’m concerned about this, too, because it’s a 200 level class, so it may or may not draw incoming freshmen to register during Bama bound. I guess there’s always transfer students, though, so I shouldn’t panic.</p>

<p>Just wondering what the university policy is.</p>

<p>BTW, I am NOT talking about an honors class. Just a regular core curriculum elective.</p>

I’m concerned about this, too,** because it’s a 200 level class, so it may or may not draw incoming freshmen to register during Bama bound.** I guess there’s always transfer students, though, so I shouldn’t panic.*</p>


<p>Are you talking about a class that your son has registered for this spring? If so, what would Bama Bound have to do with that?</p>

<p>Panic? LOL…don’t panic.</p>

<p>Oh, you’re right! Brain freeze there, mom. Thanks for catching that!</p>

<p>My son’s Honors Calculus II class was canceled last spring, because of low enrollment. Only six students had registered for the class.</p>

<p>He was given a couple options – wait to take it the following fall or switch to another time slot. Since he was going to audit the class, he decided not to register for it. He just moved onto Calculus III this fall.</p>

<p>Momreads, when did he find out it was cancelled? Did they notify him by email that he had to make the change?</p>

<p>When is the latest kids can register for classes before spring semester starts?</p>

<p>I hope classes aren’t cancelled as late as January, when it would be hard to get into another class.</p>

<p>I guess in that case, if you find a class that’s closed, you might be able to make a good argument to get in, if your original class was cancelled.</p>

<p>Montegut: My son received an e-mail about his class in late November. He called and told me that he refused to switch to another section, because he would have to drop a class in another major.</p>

<p>Thanks, momreads. Glad to hear it’s that early. Scheduling is the issue with son, too. If his class is cancelled, he’ll just have to choose another that fits into the empty time slot.</p>

<p>When is the latest kids can register for classes before spring semester starts?</p>

<p>They can register up thru the first week I think. Kids are still adding/dropping that first week.</p>

<p>Montegut: I would recommend that your son look at the schedule now – just in case his class is canceled because of low enrollment. That way, he knows the options available. Remember, there also will be additional classes added later, particularly with the honors college, that may interest your son.</p>

<p>My DS is taking a freshman seminar class this semester with a class of 5! It wasn’t cancelled due to registration and he LOVES the personal attention!</p>

<p>There’s 9 spots filled out of 25 allotted, so hoping the class is safe. So far so good.</p>

<p>Son got an email from the teacher with a description of the class, so it looks like we’re good to go. It’s a fine arts class specifically for engineering students, so it should be fun!</p>

<p>^ what is the class Monte? sounds interesting…</p>

<p>The class is FA200-02. It’s Intro to Fine Arts, but is open only to students in the college of engineering. It’s held TR 1230-145, in Shelby. </p>

<p>It was a nice touch that the teacher sent an email to the registered students. </p>

<p>It’s not an honors course, but is listed under the approved humanities core courses for fulfilling an engineering major, which is how he found it.</p>

<p>There is another section of the same course. I believe it is a larger class that is not limited to engineering students, but would also fulfill the humanities core for an engineering major. This section happened to fit into son’s schedule, so he got lucky.</p>

<p>Some of son’s friends who are musicians are taking the music courses listed to fulfill their requirements, as they miss their music and are looking to fit some humanities requirements into their schedule next semester.</p>

<p>There are lots of humanities and social sciences courses listed as choices for fulfilling core requirements, which was a big selling point in son’s decision to attend Bama. They’re worth checking out. Who knows, you might find something that interests you that will fit into your schedule.</p>

<p>Just to give an update, you guys were right. Kids did add themselves to the class, and it now has all 25 slots filled. Good marketing by the teacher to send out a flyer on the class and get the word out!</p>