Entrepreneurship Concentration/Business Administration

I’m planning to create my own company which is a entertainment/music company that showcases different world fandoms with radio stations, a tv channel with talk shows etc, and a magazine, etc. I also plan to make a music company where a latino group of Kpop fans who show off there love for Kpop and shows off there latino culture.Its going to be a mix of kpop and latino culture/music. I plan to major in business administartion with a concentration in entrepreneurship, but I don’t know if I should add another major/minor/concentration to the major/concentration that I already want? Also what are good UC/CSU schools for my major/concentration?

P.S. Should I try to major/minor in Korean? I also live in California.

P.P.S. If your planning or already concentrating/majoring in entrepreneurship tell me in the comments bc maybe in the future I would want to make a group chat on some social medias with people. I can’t find alot of people in my major.

If you can make economic sense of it, USC would be a good fit. Be warned, by the time you get out of school, the media landscape and the musical trends may well have changed. Good luck!

If you can swing it financially (maybe run the net price calculator) there is small program that is worth looking into at Syracuse U that sounds perfect for you – “The Bandier Program combines the study of the business of music, media, marketing and entrepreneurship with hands-on experiences to prepare students for a successful career in the music industry.” http://newhouse.syr.edu/academics/degrees/bachelors/bandier-program