I’m planning to create my own company which is a entertainment/music company that showcases different world fandoms with radio stations, a tv channel with talk shows etc, and a magazine, etc. I also plan to make a music company where a latino group of Kpop fans who show off there love for Kpop and shows off there latino culture.Its going to be a mix of kpop and latino culture/music. I plan to major in business administartion with a concentration in entrepreneurship, but I don’t know if I should add another major/minor/concentration to the major/concentration that I already want? Also what are good UC/CSU schools for my major/concentration?
P.S. Should I try to major/minor in Korean? I also live in California.
P.P.S. If your planning or already concentrating/majoring in entrepreneurship tell me in the comments bc maybe in the future I would want to make a group chat on some social medias with people. I can’t find alot of people in my major.