Environmental Studies/ Pre-Vet

<p>anyone going this way???</p>

<p>I am! whoa and I thought I was alone</p>

<p>Pre-Vet? Like Pre-Veterinarian?</p>

<p>I'm considering it</p>

<p>Pre-Vet as a major dosen't exist. You take a moajor that fulfills the requirements that are needed to get into the Graduate program...</p>

<p>My Major is Animal Science at UC DAVIS. It seemed the most interesting and easiest Major to get my prerequesites fulfilled.</p>

<p>I'm going to major in animal science at the Universtiy of Missouri-Columbia.
I was just accepted in to their Pre-Vet Scholars Program and the Honors College.</p>

<p>The two majors I've come across that most pre-vet people take seem to be animal science or biology. However, you don't need to have completed an undergraduate major to be accepted into vet school.</p>