Environmental Studies summer program

I just wanted to let people know about this program in case anyone is looking for an environmental studies summer program. My son did this last year and it was phenomenal. He absolutely loved it. He worked hard, learned so much, but also had a great time. He also said, “I’ve found my people.” It literally was life changing for him. He loved it so much, that he wanted to go to Hobart William Smith. It was his first choice for a while, but as he got deeper into the college admissions process, decided to apply to Middlebury, which is where he is going.

Environmental Studies Summer Youth Institute (hws.edu)


Thanks. This looks very interesting. Is it for high school or college students?

High school students.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

They talk about giving credit for the 3 weeks. HS credit or college credit?

It is college credit. The program runs for 2 weeks and is jam packed, literally from morning to night.

Thanks again! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agreed this looks amazing, my S taking a look, we have had a hard time finding something he wants to do!

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Let me know if you have any questions.

My son did the Sewanee Field Studies program last summer. It is 2 weeks, and was incredible. Exposure to interdisciplinary research across all areas of Env Science. These programs are hard to find!
Pre-College Field Studies Experience | The University of the South

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This program looks great! I almost wish my son could have another summer like this.

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Could you tell me more about your son’s experience at ESSYI? My daughter was accepted but I’m nervous because we hadn’t been able to reach them at all the past couple months.

He loved it! It was such a great experience for him. It was so well organized. He learned so much but also had a lot of fun. They kept them busy all day and into the evening. Jam packed. I can’t recommend it enough. If you have any specific questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

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