My application status for Binghamton still says “complete and ready for review” :frowning:

@tomerax mine too…this wait is killing me lol

Has anyone received a decision from albany?

@Mutability I was pretty involved in clubs, I think it was my grades that got me.

@Mutability I got accepted into Albany around late February for their regular admission.

I got wait-listed. Does this mean that I amon the wait-list for the EOP?

@tomerax congratulations!! Do you know anyone who was accepted through eop though?

I just checked solar and I’ve been wait listed. Not sure If I should be sad or happy

Yes I did :smile: I received the notification last week

@Mutability I don’t know anyone who applied to Albany through the EOP program.

Still no news on Binghamton’s EOP, my application status still say “complete ready for review”. I’m getting worried… :frowning:

New decisions came out recently guys, I just got in.

GPA: 88.1
ACT: 29

Just got waitlisted for Stony Brook. Quickly losing hope for Binghamton. 8-|

@drarkie What school accepted you?

@DinoBeawr I had put a preference for biology on commonapp but for some reason on the application it had me as Undecided and I was put in Harpur. I assume it’s because of EOP and that the program is special but I’m not totally sure.

Congratulations @drarkie Mine still says “Complete ready for review”

@drarkie I applied to Harpur too, but for psychology. Also in the same boat as @PokemonDan , where my application is still ready for review. This gives me hope but ahh the suspense is killing me!

So do we find out by today?

I just checked and my status still says complete ready for review & decision says application complete…think I’ll get a final decision today

Just checked again & I got denied…oh well

Just checked also. Got waitlisted. Stats:
3.4UW gpa/ 3.76W gpa
1800 SAT
620 critical reading
600 math
580 writing