EOP participation

<p>IN the ucapp it asks if we would like to partcipate in EOp (educational outreach program) that gives more of a chnace to applicatns w/ low income/ urm i think.
my question, how does this help in UCI UCSD UCLA admissions?
becaue I am low income, but no significant hardships have incurred to me</p>

<p>So, would putting down EOP help my chances at UCSD because of the pt. system they use? Would it yield more pts? or is EOP necessary to earn the family inceom pts?</p>

<p>I don't think it would help your chances. EOP is basically a program for historically disadvantaged students (similar to upward bound, talent search, etc.) who need further financial assistance and stuff. Usually, EOP participants are given a grant.. i think ranging from $900-2000/yr.</p>

<p>So it generates no pts in UCSD rubric/ Irvine admissions or UCLA?</p>

<p>Nope. Don't think so.</p>

<p>Most definetely..... EOP generates pts........ A LOT OF POINTS.......EOP is program served for miniorities....</p>

<p>no it doesnt i talked to my couselor he says it just gives u a couple grand each year or something</p>

<p>EOP gives UCLA applicants 300 pts..... it is considered "Upward Bound, Awareness, and other college preparation programs''</p>

<p>EOP will EVENTUALLY earn you 300 pts....regardless because you have to make less than $30,000 for a family of 4 to qualify...and low income itself already qualifies 300pts...</p>

<p>so, even if i dont participate, just the income data / family size will get me the points?</p>