
<p>can anyone that did not see it yesterday see it today???</p>

<p>epal should come out again in two column</p>

<p>I’ve been accepted officially, and do not yet see the ePAL (electronic provisional award letter for financial aid). The site says it hasn’t been released for transfers yet. Anyone know when it comes up?</p>

<p>i’ve been accepted and can’t see my epal and it’s driving me insane because that’s basically what I’m going to make my decision based on.</p>

<p>yeah me too… montero… are you a girll???.. sorry new to this thing… and yeah… im hopping i get at least 20k thats what i got from ucsd</p>

<p>uhm, yes. haha.</p>

<p>hahaha… lol… so what were your stats montero???.. and how much are you expecting??? from finaid???</p>

<p>i dont see my financial aid either :frowning: </p>

<p>it says no request ah</p>

<p>gpa- 3.73 studio art
No ePAL yet, but I’m super broke with a 0 EFC and it says i don’t have to pay that $100 registration fee so maybe they’re still deciding how much they can give me, haha.</p>

<p>Does anyone else see their financial aid?? I dont see mine :(</p>

<p>I can see my ePAL, their offer is consistant with the other schools I’ve applied to (UCSD, UCSB) about 20,000 so it might stay the same for you guys.</p>

<p>^ really?? wtheck how come i dont see mine … i filed the fafsa and everything.</p>

<p>Hey guys.
I went to the UCLA STOMP conference today.
A speaker said addmissions might be out today or at the end of the month, trying to mess with us you know. But know we know that they did come today so nothing new there. </p>

<p>I did however manage to go to financial aid to get answers about if seeing FA meant admission (this was before admissions where out today). They guy didn’t know what i meant. I asked him when we would see our awards and our financial aid notice thing, the ePAL, he said it was coming over the weekened or at the latest monday. Its what i was told. I hope its true.</p>