Error in commonapp

I recently applied to Purdue for CS. However, I accidently forgot to fill out the question asking me to elaborate on one of my extracurricular activities. What can I do?
Other than this my application is quite strong for Purdue
1560 SAT
92% in India Standard 10 (ICSE)
National level tennis player and swimmer- School tennis captain

Can i look at alternatives such as emailing their admissions office?
Or will that further affect my chance of admission?

You seem to be a good fit still without an elaboration. Also, I’m sure that part was just a short description under “Academics” category, not an essay, so it won’t matter much.

@ad93107 I would recommend that you look at the website to determine who your admissions counselor is, and then pick up the phone and call him or her. They are very helpful and understanding, and will tell you how to fix your problem.

don’t worry, I got accepted without filling in that part of the app. Best of luck.