Error in my I-20

Hi, I got my I-20 few days ago and I paid for the SEVIS fee last night. Before paying the SEVIS fees, I realized they wrote my major wrong (not a huge issue, I will change it when I get to school) then today morning I checked my I-20 again. I found out my approval date is wrong (it was written 2002). Will it affect me when doing VISA or the embassy will understand the human error? What should I do?! Thanks!

Call, email your school to ask for correction. The embassy may reject four visa application. You have the responsibility to correct it. How could you get I-20 so early when application season just starts? Is this a regular college?

@coolweather Ok, I will do that today. If the school says it won’t matter, do I still need to call embassy to make sure about this issue? I will be attending CC and planning to transfer to Uni. Thanks!

What community college ?

The date thing is odd. Odds are that nobody will even pay attention to the date next to the signature, but bureaucracies can get hung up on the most trivial things. If the university doesn’t want to give you a corrected form, I would call the embassy ahead of my interview to be on the safe side.

As you said, your major doesn’t matter for now. It can easily be changed in the system and doesn’t matter until you apply for OPT or CPT. Many colleges will put some generic major on the I-20 for all incoming international students because students don’t formally declare a major until after they arrive on campus.