Error message hellllllp

<p>in the family section
if we leave the CEEB code or the guardian partt blank,
don't they say you need to fill it in ?</p>

<p>is it okay to fill it in blank?
what if you don't have a guardian?
wat if you don't know ur parents' CEEB code cuz they graduated in a foreign country?</p>

<p>im worried!T-T
PLEASEE help!</p>

<p>you can search for the college’s code if you know the name.</p>

<p>Use 0000 as the CEEB code for foreign colleges.</p>

<p>My dad went to school in Germany and there wasn’t a CEEB code, but my app submitted fine.</p>

<p>put in the 0000
and it will say NOt found …
click on that ;)</p>

<p>Oh, I wish I had known that before I submitted my ED app. I ended up saying my Mom didn’t go to graduate school, on the official form, and then explain in additional information that her school didn’t seem to have a CEEB.</p>