Error on Commonapp Activities Year

I made an error and accidentally marked one of my activities as 11 summer break instead of 10 summer break, meaning the summer leading up to 10th grade.

In my personal essay, I talked about a narrative event, and it like started from this activity, and then I like towards the end talked about how this activity led me to start working on these other two activites. However, the dates don’t match up because I indicated the wrong year!

For the two following activities I listed 10, 11, 12, but the one that’s supposed to come before I listed as 11 summer (when it was actually the summer leading up to 10th grade).

Should I email admissions regarding this error or will they overlook something so minor? I’m just worried they might look at the dates and see that it doesn’t align with my personal statement.

If it were me, I’d fix for the future but leave alone where I submitted. Not worth highlighting. I’m already confused and it won’t make a difference.

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