ESPN Roll Tide Commercial

<p>[YouTube</a> - ESPN Alabama Roll Tide Commercial](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>Awesome, hilarious, poignant. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>PS Glad to see y’all back here, BB. :)</p>

<p>haha this is funny :)</p>

<p>there are auburn alumni too…so wouldn’t it be wise not to throw it around to every stranger you meet…just saying :P</p>

<p>It definitely can be used in a variety of contexts. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>


<p>Did this commercial actually run on TV?</p>

<p>Yeah, I just saw it played on ESPN.</p>

<p>I love it! Roll Tide :)</p>

<p>I love the part where the police officer says “Roll Tide” to a driver he just gave a ticket to, and the driver says “Roll Tide” back.</p>

<p>there are auburn alumni too…so wouldn’t it be wise not to throw it around to every stranger you meet…just saying :stuck_out_tongue:</p>

<p>LOL…having lived in Alabama for a few years, I can tell you that Bama fans outnumber Auburn fans like 100 to 1…maybe a 1000 to 1.</p>

<p>Seriously, in this state, the Crimson Tide is treated like it’s the “state’s team.” Even with Auburn going to the championship this year, you don’t see the Auburn stuff in stores like you see Bama stuff everywhere. </p>

<p>Go shopping on a Saturday football morning and nearly everyone has a Bama shirt on. There’s an Auburn shirt here or there…but nothing like the Sea of Crimson you see walking up and down the aisles.</p>

<p>Auburn fans have a link with Auburn…the person went to school there or their child did. Most Bama fans have probably never even seen the campus. </p>

<p>The state is truly Tide Country.</p>

<p>Its awesome because it is pretty much true</p>

<p>^^^Boy, I guess! Two days ago I was shopping in Costco, wearing a Bama t-shirt and, out of the blue, got two separate, hearty Roll Tides right here in Hawaii: one from a lady from Pensacola (with Bama ties), one from a Birmingham native.</p>

<p>Ro-o-o-o-ll Tide.</p>

<p>^^^ Hey, Malanai, we got a couple Roll Tides while shopping too, one while at Ala Moana the other night and one of D’s friends got one while at Safeway. She was so excited. It’s like our own little exclusive club over here in the Pacific.</p>

<p>Roll Tide from the Hawaii contingent :)</p>

<p>My son worked on this commercial – they shot it all in Alabama earlier this year…Roll Tide!</p>

<p>^were they actual, real life scenes? that would be cool…</p>


Hey, edgymama, would you mind telling us in what capacity he worked on this? Was this in conjunction with any of his work as a student at UA?</p>

<p>The freakiest thing happened…about a minute or two after H and I finished viewing the link on YouTube, the ad actually aired on TV!! I would have never noticed it if I hadn’t just seen it. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>^mustve been quite shocking</p>

<p>…to say the least :)…</p>

<p>Those are all acted scenes. I know several of the outdoor scenes (perhaps all of them) were shot in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>Of course they are all acted scenes…LOL…</p>

<p>He was a production assistant…I had friends directing/producing the spot and they asked if he wanted to work on it as they knew he was in school there and it was all about Roll Tide.</p>