Essay based on Stuttering?

<p>Hey guys, I am a rising junior and going to apply for top schools next year. My dream is Yale but with a 3.7 GPA that is a bit hard, so Im just going to fly my essay idea past you guys. I stutter, BADLY, and I have struggled with it in my life and it has taught me a lot about myself as a person.
To help my stuttering and improve my speech:
I have written a published book with techniques to stop stuttering
Edited and written a preface to a book about spiritual peace
Started a public speaking club
In a club called HAWKS that focuses on communication with other people</p>

<p>Will this be a good essay topic? I can show that my story is unique and the way I have fought stuttering. Or will the college admissions think Im dumb cause i stutter? Cause thats not true at all</p>

<p>It could be a great essay.</p>

<p>I cannot imagine that a credible top-tier university would equate stuttering with lack of intelligence in this day and age.</p>

<p>You’ve overcome adversity, helped others, published a book, it shows a passion. What do you want to study? If it’s in some way related to this better still (if not, not a worry).</p>

<p>For a school with as many applicants as Yale, your 3.7 stands out as a huge hurdle, even with a potentially nice essay. Just make sure you cast a wide net when choosing colleges. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, and Im planning to study Economics and Finance. I really was kinda nervous about using this as a topic because of the sensitive nature and the potential of being mocked upon. Im glad that Universities wont think it as a lack of intelligence. And I know my gpa is kinda low, but i hope my solid sat Score( 2340) and Subject sats Us LIT World: 800 800 800 will make up for it. and I have other options except yale, I will be happy if i make NYU Stern, Yale, Harvard, Princeton(I heard they REALLY look for writing activities so i hope my book will help), UC Berkeley, Uchicago.</p>

<p>You’re definitely an interesting applicant. However, I agree that you should cast a wider net in your college selection. Yale and the other schools you listed all reject thousands of qualified students. If you really do a great job with that essay, I think it could really help you, though.</p>

<p>It’s better than your average topic, especially since you have so many supporting details about it. Just remember to not repeat information already found in your application. Maybe write about a specific event that has to do with your stuttering? (such as a book signing, speech, etc). Just some suggestions. Also remember that UC essays are very different from common app essays.</p>

<p>I’m not sure where you heard that Princeton is uniquely interested in writing EC’s (indeed, I think the strength of their Creative Writing program probably raises the bar for what’s considered an “impressive” writing activity), but nevertheless, I think stuttering is an interesting topic. There is a risk that it will start to sound too “and this is what I learned from my disability,” however–make sure to stick to what I’m sure are rich and interesting anecdotes rather than exposition.</p>