Essay Formatting Question!!!!

<p>Hey, sorry for all of the exclamation points, but it's important.</p>

<p>I'm trying to format the CommonApp (ugh), and my first paragraph is a quote, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to double enter before the next paragraph. Here's what I mean....</p>

<p>"You're not going to school anymore."</p>

<p>"Wait, what?" I asked. The weekend...</p>

<li>OR - </li>

<p>"You're not going to school anymore."
"Wait, what?" I asked. The weekend...</p>

<p>Oh, the confusion. Are you supposed to double enter after every paragraph? This crap is confusing.</p>

<p>why don't you just hit enter once and then indent each new paragraph?</p>

<p>Because you can't indent in CommonApp.</p>

<p>dont worry about formatting, they look at content/grammer/structure, not how pretty it looks..they know its the web, dont sweat it</p>