<p>I've completed my essay for UF with help from my AP Lit teacher. Technically, this essay is in good shape, but after having my parents read it they said it felt impersonal. I talk about my own personal definition of the good life and reference things I like and my major. Could this not be enough? I can send you my essay to read it too. Thanks</p>
<p>Hey there! UF’s essay has been on my top priorities lately, as it could be the decisive factor in my admissions decision, who knows. Now, I won’t ask you to send me your essay, since I’m also applying to UF (Some people are a bit wary, understandably so) but I if I can give you some advice, I would say this…
Without going into “too” much detail, in my essay I mentioned my 5-year work as an English teacher here in Brazil and how much I learned from it all. I also stressed how quality of life here is dim but at the same time mentioned the “light” in that darkness, which was one of my teachers and role-model. I followed his example by becoming a teacher myself and in the end I tied that up with my notion of the good life.</p>
<p>What I want to say is, instead of just saying: “The good life is when you’re with your family and friends, all together sitting around a dinner table talking about mundane things”
You can instead write a situation you went through where your family helped you pull through and showed you a glimpse, albeit brief, of how the good life can be. Give examples from your life, show them who you are!</p>