<p>I’m just going to kill 2 birds with one stone here, well 3 birds, actually, by asking 3 questions in one thread
- How did you find your inspiration to write your essay? I’m feeling rather annoyed at mine. I’ve got a very inconvenient case of writers block. My topic is the generic “Life changing person/experience” and my experience is joining my first swim team. I’m 3/4 done but I’m not to happy with it. Also, is it a good idea to tie in academics? Academics don’t really have a place in my essay but I suppose I could force them to fit. Schools want to hear about academics 1st and foremost, correct? Is it a good idea to do so even if its unnatural?</p>
<li><p>How do teacher recs work? I’m applying to a total of 5 or 6 schools (all of which take the common application). Do they hand them back to me so I can make photocopies? Do I see them before they send them off? Do they need to fill out 5 or 6 identical but separate recommendations? What if one of my teachers refuses to do it?</p></li>
<li><p>SSAT scores. This is more specific. Is an 82% overall enough to compete for a spot at Lawrenceville for 10th grade? Do schools take SSAT schools into account more then they would take grades or EC’s into account?</p></li>