Essay Length

So I finished writing my common app and one of my supplemental essays which both had a word limit of 650. Both my essays are significantly lower. The common app essay is at 580 and the supplemental at 540. Is it bad if it is that much lower since there is probably a lot more that I could say in just 100 more words.

No. If its well written and meaningful that is plenty. If it was 300 I would say beef it up.

^ Agreed, if it’s a solid essay, there’s no need to add fluff just to get near the word count.

Quality not quantity. Always amazes me they put an emphasis on length. In the real world, you want to learn to make a powerful point succinctly.

Give it a day or two, then go back to it.

See whether there are any opportunities to give them another reason to say Yes to your application.

If not, then you’re good to go.