Essay of the NEW SAT

<p>Hi every one,
Npw what was the essay topic for the Oct 8 SAT, and how did u ppl tackle it, secondly is the NEW SAT s maths really tuff? and wat abt the CR and the W? how to ace it ? shud one learn the vocabulary?</p>

<p>I won't tell you the topic bc I would like to keep my scores on the off chance that CB surfs this site, but I will suggest a strategy. </p>

<p>The readers are instructed to grade based upon how you defend your own position, but they are also looking for whether or not you debated well (i.e. did you address possible hypothetically presented by both sides?) Since I am horrible about taking sides anyway, and also because I would otherwise forget to take down the other side's ideas, I don't take a side if I can help it. I take the middle road, address both sides of the topic, and it works quite well for me. We'll see just how well it worked this go-'round on the 24th.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>I don't think vocab is that important for the essay.</p>

<p>Probably not, but an advanced vocabulary will DEFINITELY come across better. I always hold that sounding more intellectual and sophisticated will induce a bias in the reader.</p>

<p>For the essay, when you state your thesis, briefly acknowledge the opposite side in the intro. For instance: </p>

<p>"Although it is true that cats tend to be more clever than dogs, dogs are better pets because #1, #2, and #3." </p>

<p>You'll be fine with the standard 5-paragraph essay with topic sentences and a clear thesis statement. </p>

<p>When you write, make sure your sentences are varied in structure. Instead of: "Dogs are man's best friend. Dogs are good at playing frisbee. Dogs are cuddlier than cats." You can write: "Dogs are good at playing frisbee and they're extremely cuddly - a perfect combo for a perfect pet!" </p>

<p>And yes, I know that was very corny.</p>

<p>thanks buddies, and did all of u complete it in the allotted time? how much time shud be set apart for planning? and how much for the essay? some say 3,22 other 7 , 16 . which one is better</p>

<p>since 25 minutes is all you have, i would try to brainstorm 2, if not 3, 'points' and start writing (using what Crayon suggested) immediately within a minute....when i took like 5 minutes to plan out what i was writing....i had to completely abandon my 3rd point and write the conclusion (this was on the may edition of the test) and i scored an 8 :(....but then again, i guess it's b/c either i'm not a good writer or i can't write that fast</p>

<p>Yeah I second PcEhAoCsE's method...if you brainstorm for too long then you won't have enough time to finish unless you rush.</p>

<p>The ridiculous thing is that CB says we are not allowed to discuss the essay prompt until our scores come back, but they always post the prompts a few days after the test. Here is a link to Oct. I had #2.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>but of u do discuss the essay topics, how would the CB get to know? cud anybody tell me wat was the 4rth essay prompt?</p>

<p>anyway, the scores are out now. so wat was the 4rth prompt ?</p>

<p>out of the three times i've taken the SAT's, i've gotten 2 12's, and one 10
and i didn't use any of those books
you basically need to follow a few guidelines
this is basically a very generic version of my recipe for success:</p>

<p>indent paragraphs to the halfway point of the page
have 5 paragraphs (intro, 3 body, conclusion)
body paragraphs deal with an example from literature, history, and current events, respectively
use a few 50 cent words whenever you can -- beware, dont use a word incorrectly, that would hurt you
...and write continuously for 25 minutes. from my experience, you need to fill up the first page and get down probably about 80% of the second page, at the least. it's hard to do that if you aren't writing continuously. That's why when i'm writing, i'm always thinking about the next sentence as i'm writing. i just keep writing, shake my hand out every now and then, and just keep writing.</p>

<p>also, another important thing that helps things move along is writing a very quick prewrite in the beginning. when i say prewrite, i mean write literature -(), history - (), current events - (), and jot down your example in the space next to it. it organizes your ideas and keeps the thinking to a minimum throughout the writing of the essay. and the prewrite should not take more than 2-3 minutes. once you read that prompt and get your three examples down, write like hell.</p>

<p>write like hell. those are my personal words of wisdom for the essay.</p>

<p>for the October 8th SAT:
i got the prompt about celebrities and admiration
one of my body paragraphs dealt with high school basketball players jumping straight to the NBA, a concrete example being d'angelo collins
write about anything, as long as it's strong, and use names and words to make it seem like you know what you're talking about
i scored a 12</p>

<p>73/11=760 last time, 75/10=760 this time. I think sentence structure made my essay drop.</p>