<p>I’m an ED to brown and I want to do my essay already. the thing is, i have had so many ideas but i dont know what to chose from. what do you think i should do
I’m very competitive in Fencing, so when i go to practice, i have to take a train into new york city to penn station. i wanted to write an essay about my experiences in penn station. I would talk about the people, the place, the things ive seen, why it means a lot.
Recently, my grandpa was put into the hospital (last week). i spent some days 8 hours there, and i really learn alot. i was going to write about my experience there (and how it encouraged me not to study premed - too depressing) and how much my attitude has changed toward life. kinda sounds b.s., but i truly mean it.
I might want to talk about something i own that means a lot to me and why
A funny essay - my mom is a health freak and i was thinking about writing an essay on her craziness. she like feeds me and sneaks food into my bag when i go to school.
I could just write an essay on a specific competition/fencing practice i went to
I invented a word at my school that became a new hit and i was thinking about writing it on that</p>
<p>yea, i know some of my essays idea completely blow, but please give any input. only 22 more days for ED! thanks</p>
<p>I'm a fencer too. Where are you from? I have to say, though, that essays about travel or people-watching are really cliche. I don't want to deter you from writing that, so if you think you can pull off a good one, go for it.</p>
<p>I actually wrote one of my essays on an "O Henry-esque" event at a tournament I was in; a kid's only blade failed inspection, and so I lent him one so he wouldn't be disqualified. He scored one touch on me because I got careless, but that point kept me out of the next round. It was more than just the story though. I explained the ethics attached to it and how I felt as a result.</p>
<p>The word invention thing sounds cool though. If you can pull it off without making it sound like, "Look at what a cool and awesome person I am," it has potential.</p>
<p>I used to fence but it wasn't really my sport, so I don't anymore. Anyway, I was going to write mine about this tournament where I was fencing this girl who had to weigh at least twice what I do and I was really nervous so I screamed and did...I want to call it a fleche? The thing where you kind of get out of en garde and run at them, you know?
Anyway, I like topic number 4 a lot.</p>
<p>Thanks, audiophile. And ra2000a, yes, I was the capt. of the Oyster Bay foil squad. And yes, emstir, it's called a flesche (french for "arrow").</p>
<p>hiii ra2000a you sound like a great applicant from your other posts I'm sure I'll see you at Brown! </p>
<p>I'm a sophmore at Brown that helps at admissions and your last idea sounds WONDERFUL! What word did you make up? Maybe if it's that catchy we'll start using it here! :)</p>